t-rex-tileserver / t-rex

t-rex is a vector tile server specialized on publishing MVT tiles from your own data
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"too many connections" error while seeding from GPKG #234

Closed arbakker closed 3 years ago

arbakker commented 3 years ago

When seeding with a GPKG for a datasource I see the following error in the log output:

ERROR: Too many connections: max 64

This got introduced with the Async Seeding (9deb6806ef56cfd34ce7e97c584c61400d571a95) commit. I ran the following command against builds of both 9deb6806ef56cfd34ce7e97c584c61400d571a95 and 762f156 (parent):

t_rex generate --config examples/gpkg.toml --loglevel debug &> output-generate-${COMMIT_HASH}.log

I noticed that the generate command help stil displays the nodeno and nodes arguments, is this still working as previously? I figured that maybe the error wont occur when limiting threading to 1 core, but when using the flags --nodes 1 --nodeno 0 on 9deb6806ef56cfd34ce7e97c584c61400d571a95 I still see the error too many connections appearing.

Here are the log files and the config file I used:

gpkg-toml.txt output-generate-9deb680.log output-generate-762f156.log

pka commented 3 years ago

The nodeno and nodes arguments are now only meant to distribute tile seeding to multiple servers. Maybe there should be a new option to limit the number of threads used for seeding.

pka commented 3 years ago

Should be fixed with f4d0665