Open t-will-gillis opened 4 days ago
Hi @t-will-gillis.
Please don't forget to add the proper labels to this issue. Currently, the labels for the following are missing:
NOTE: Please ignore this comment if you do not have 'write' access to this directory.
To add a label, take a look at Github's documentation here.
Also, don't forget to remove the "missing labels" afterwards. To remove a label, the process is similar to adding a label, but you select a currently added label to remove it.
After the proper labels are added, the merge team will review the issue and add a "Ready for Prioritization" label once it is ready for prioritization.
Additional Resources:
REPLACE THIS TEXT - Clearly state the purpose of this issue in 2 sentences or less. We write ours a modified user story in this format: We need to do X for Y reason.
Action Items
REPLACE THIS TEXT - List the research to be done, or the steps to be completed. Note: If the steps can be divided into tasks for more than one person, we recommend dividing it up into separate issues, or assigning it as a pair programming task.
REPLACE THIS TEXT - Provide links to resources or instructions that may help with this issue. This can include files to be worked on, external sites with solutions, documentation, etc.