t-wissmann / barpyrus

A python wrapper for lemonbar
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Refresh bar #9

Closed AckslD closed 4 years ago

AckslD commented 4 years ago

I just tried this bar with herbstluftwm and works really nice :) I've did some small tweaks and added something to display the volume status. However, it only updates quite rarely. How can I control the refresh-rate, or ideally can it be configured to refresh when for example a certain key is pressed or headphones are plugged in?

Thanks in advance!

PS, here's my battery status, I added the following to the start of conky_text:

conky_text = '%{F\\#9fbc00}%{T2}'
conky_text += '${if_match \"${exec getvolume}\" == \"off\"}\ue202$else\ue203$endif'
conky_text += '%{T-}%{F\\#989898}${exec getvolume} '

where getvolume is a script I have to retrieve the volume from amixer. Can I use the output of getvolume in a variable to not have to call it twice? For example, where does the $battery variable come from?

t-wissmann commented 4 years ago

The $battery variable comes from conky (see man conky). Conky also comes with many options for displaying the volume (pa_sink_volume, if_mixer_mute, etc). Maybe this does directly what you are trying to accomplish.

Regarding the refresh rate, you can pass config = {'update_interval': '2'} to ConkyWidget. For all available options here, see the section CONFIGURATION SETTINGS in the conky man page.

I don't think it's possible to make conky refresh automatically when the volume changes. The best solution is probably to implement a volume control directly as a barpyrus widget.

AckslD commented 4 years ago

Awesome thanks, I'll try this out!

AckslD commented 4 years ago

Works great, first neither $mixer nor $pa_sink_volume worked for me but after installing conky-all $pa_sink_volume started working (but not $mixer).

AckslD commented 4 years ago

Here's how I added volume indicator:

gray = '%{F\\#989898}'
green = '%{F\\#9fbc00}'
vol_off_symb = gray + '\ue202'
speaker_symb = green + '\ue203'
headphone_symb = green + '\ue0fd'
vol_on_symb = '${if_match \"$pa_sink_active_port_name\" == \"analog-output-speaker\"}' + speaker_symb + '${else}' + headphone_symb + '${endif}'
conky_text = ''
conky_text += '${if_pa_sink_muted}' + vol_off_symb + '${else}' + vol_on_symb + '${endif}'
conky_text += gray + '${pa_sink_volume}% '

showing if volume is on/off and if headphone are plugged in.

t-wissmann commented 4 years ago

Great! Thanks for sharing!

AckslD commented 4 years ago

I updated it a bit to also show a bluetooth symbol if bluetooth speakers are used, works for me but port name might be different for others

  # Colors
  gray = '%{F\\#989898}'
  green = '%{F\\#9fbc00}'
  blue = '%{F\\#0000ff}'
  pink = '%{F\\#f268ae}'
  light_blue = '%{F\\#28b4c9}'
  purple = '%{F\\#b057fd}'
  bright_green = '%{F\\#d3f1e3}'

  # Volume status
  vol_off_symb = gray + '\ue202'
  speaker_symb = purple + '\ue203'
  headphone_symb = purple + '\ue0fd'
  bluetooth_symb = blue + '\ue1b5'
  vol_on_symb = '${if_match \"$pa_sink_active_port_name\" == \"analog-output-headphones\"}'
  vol_on_symb += headphone_symb
  vol_on_symb += '${else}'

  vol_on_symb += '${if_match \"$pa_sink_active_port_name\" == \"headset-output\"}'
  vol_on_symb += headphone_symb + bluetooth_symb
  vol_on_symb += '${else}'
  vol_on_symb += speaker_symb
  vol_on_symb += '${endif}'

  vol_on_symb += '${endif}'

  volume = '${if_pa_sink_muted}' + vol_off_symb + '${else}' + vol_on_symb + '${endif}'
  volume += gray + '${pa_sink_volume}%'

also added an indicator of wifi quality (similar to how battery was done)

  # wifi #                                          
  wifi_icons = ['\ue218', '\ue219', '\ue21a']
  wifi_delta = 100 / len(wifi_icons)
  wifi_qual = '${wireless_link_qual_perc wlp0s20f3}'
  wifi = ''
  for i, icon in enumerate(wifi_icons[:-1]):
      wifi += '${if_match ' + wifi_qual + ' < %d}' % ((i + 1) * wifi_delta)
      wifi += light_blue + icon
      wifi += '${else}'
  wifi += light_blue + wifi_icons[-1]  # 100 %
  for _ in range(len(wifi_icons) - 1):
      wifi += '${endif}'
  wifi += gray + ' ' + wifi_qual + '%'

which gets added to my list of things as

  conky_elements = [
      # net_down_speed,
      # net_up_speed,

  conky_text = ' '.join(conky_elements) + ' '