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Error in ustvnow plugin on linux #16

Open dmdeklerk opened 11 years ago

dmdeklerk commented 11 years ago

Running the latest Eden on xbmcbuntu I get the following error after installing and running the ustvnow version 0.3.0.

11:30:44 T:2910845760 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--

itjstagame commented 11 years ago

I ran in to the same issue on Raspbmc linux. I am not sure what is different about Frodo or the release that 0.3.0 ustvnow was built for, but xbmc does not have an 'output' option.

I simply opened up "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.ustvnow/resources/lib/Addon.py" and changed .output to .log . Then recompile (pycompile).

This is working great for me now on Raspbmc.

RBS-Julian commented 11 years ago

Great solution "itjstagame"

I tried this on windows 7 by going into the Appdata folder for XBMC and it work like a charm.

Thanks or the advice!

gilgamezh commented 10 years ago

Some fix here on xbian.
I edit the line 38 of /home/xbian/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.crackle/resources/lib/Addon.py changing output for log. Then i ran pycompile /home/xbian/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.crackle/resources/lib/Addon.py the plugins wors after this change :)