t1m0thyj / WDD-scripts

PowerShell scripts that add features to WinDynamicDesktop
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[BUG] Lock screen stuck on one image #1

Closed M4MK closed 1 year ago

M4MK commented 5 years ago

I changed the code as you said to change the lock screen but it's stuck on one of the images, do you know why this is so and should I provide anymore details?

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t1m0thyj commented 5 years ago

I am able to reproduce this but not sure how to fix it. The app is invoking the TrySetLockScreenImageAsync method at the same time it changes the desktop wallpaper, but Windows seems to not update the lock screen image right away. Currently this is an experimental feature for that reason, haven't gotten it to work consistently yet. Will do further research to see if there is a better alternative method for doing this.

kunyu96 commented 5 years ago

Finding another class may be helpful LockScreen Class, which provides properties and methods to manage the full-screen image used as the lock screen background. Just for your information!

t1m0thyj commented 4 years ago

That LockScreen class is what the script is currently using. Unfortunately it doesn't work because of this: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/c5f7e014-a1a1-4d62-b550-7976381d62cd/change-windows-8-lockscreen-image-with-wpfservice-only-works-once?forum=wpf

t1m0thyj commented 4 years ago

From Gitter:

Dev PM @pratham280 Jun 07 08:57 In the Dynamic wallpaper for lockscreen script has an issue , when run for first time it creates a "LockScreen_A " folder (in "System Data " folder where the wallpapers are rendered) but assigns the Ownership to system which prevents the script to overwrite the files

ghost commented 3 years ago

you should mention that disabling Show lock screen background picture on the sign-in screen solve partly the problem!

t1m0thyj commented 1 year ago

Closing since WDD 5 supports changing lockscreen image directly in the app without scripts.