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Ubuntu Kernel for T2 Macs.
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Touchbar: /sys/class/input/*/device/fnmode: No such file or directory #52

Closed Rom888 closed 8 months ago

Rom888 commented 8 months ago

After upgrading to the latest kernel 6.5.7-t2-jammy, I installed tiny-dfr and restarted ubuntu. The touchbar is working, but if I run:

sudo touchbar

and press '1' I got an error:

$ sudo touchbar
Select Touch Bar mode

0: Only show F1-F12
1: Show media and brightness controls, use the fn key to switch to F1-F12
2: Show F1-F12, use the fn key to switch to media and brightness controls
3: Only show media and brightness controls
4: Only show the escape key
Changing default mode ...
bash: line 1: /sys/class/input/*/device/fnmode: No such file or directory
AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

Fix this by running sudo rm /usr/local/bin/touchbar; sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/apple-tb.conf

Rom888 commented 8 months ago

Aditya, it works now, thank you!

I set up the default touchbar mode. Is there any help on how to use other options? For example, I see the --time option, but I don't see the time on the touchbar.

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

Can you post a screenshot of your touchbar ?

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

You also can share cat /etc/tiny-dfr.conf

Rom888 commented 8 months ago

20231018_113550 20231018_113558

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

The media controls + apps mode shows time

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

You are using the media controls only mode

Rom888 commented 8 months ago
$ cat /etc/tiny-dfr.conf
primary_layer = "special"
secondary_layer = "function"
font = "sans-serif"
icon_theme = "tiny-dfr-icons"

app_icon_theme = "tiny-dfr-icons"
app1_icon = "app1"
app2_icon = "app2"
app3_icon = "app3"
app4_icon = "app4"

use_24_hr = 1
AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

If you want time, use sudo touchbar --mode and instead of Media controls, choose media controls + apps

Rom888 commented 8 months ago

Okay thanks! It works and looks great!

Rom888 commented 8 months ago

Is it possible to adjust the light level of the touchbar?

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

Not yet, but I’ll add it to my todo list for this

Rom888 commented 8 months ago

Thanks! In the previous version, the touchbar disappeared after some time, is this possible now?

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

Yeah it gets dim after 30 sec, disappears after another 30 sec

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

I am closing this issue, if you have any other issue, please reopen this or create a new issue.