t2linux / T2-Debian-and-Ubuntu-Kernel

Ubuntu Kernel for T2 Macs.
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update_t2_kernel memtest86+ error #57

Closed yadu-tv closed 8 months ago

yadu-tv commented 8 months ago

Updating GRUB or using update-t2-kernel (LTS version) gives out the following error image

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

This doesn't look like a bug. Is this affecting you in anyway?

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

You also need to run update_t2_kernel --remove-current to remove the 6.5.7-t2 kernel otherwise grub will boot 6.5.7.

yadu-tv commented 8 months ago

The issue is that I am not able to update to the latest kernel. And also, I tried with the flags but it gives the same output

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

memtest is not the issue, you are not uninstalling the 6.5.7 kernel, so it won't use the LTS kernel unless you remove the 6.5.7 kernel.

--remove-current will do that

Or just run sudo apt remove linux-image-6.5.7-t2-jammy amd manually install the LTS kernel by downloading the debs and mentioned in the readme

yadu-tv commented 8 months ago

I tried the steps and then tried restarting, now the whole system seems like broken. Will have to reinstall the OS again. None of the drivers work anymore, so I think the kernel is completely broken.

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

What is broken?

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

Did you install tiny-dfr before you switched to LTS?

yadu-tv commented 8 months ago

I just tried restarting, and I cannot login into the laptop. Keyboard, mouse, wifi, nothing is detected.

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

Did you manually install the debs or use update_t2_kernel?

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

Did you install tiny-dfr before you switched to LTS?

And this too?

yadu-tv commented 8 months ago

I had tried manually yesterday. Also, i did not do tiny-dfr.

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

You got an external keyboard and mouse?

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

If yes, login and share ls /boot

yadu-tv commented 8 months ago

I have a meeting in 30 so right now i have to reinstall the OS (seems the fastest way to get back). But yes, I shall try to reproduce this again and let you know.

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

I had tried manually yesterday. Also, i did not do tiny-dfr.

Now did you try manually? There is no use installing manually without uninstalling 6.5.7.

And now you haven't installed manually, so you probably have completely uninstalled the T2 kernel.

AdityaGarg8 commented 8 months ago

You basically have to manually install the kernel using an external keyboard/mouse and restart

yadu-tv commented 8 months ago

Gotcha. Manual installation takes an hour, I shall just reinstall the ISO file again