t2linux / fedora

Patched linux kernel and packages for running Fedora on T2 macs.
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Touchbar stopped working #22

Closed jeffgus closed 9 months ago

jeffgus commented 9 months ago

It looks right soon after bootup, then it flips into a mode where is shows esc, brightness, key brightness, and volume controls. The buttons are to the left and they no longer work.

`touchbar Select Touch Bar mode

0: Only show F1-F12 1: Show media and brightness controls, use the fn key to switch to F1-F12 2: Show F1-F12, use the fn key to switch to media and brightness controls 3: Only show media and brightness controls 4: Only show the escape key 1 Changing default mode ... bash: line 1: /sys/class/input/*/device/fnmode: No such file or directory `

There has been plenty of kernel updates and I don't reboot for each update so I'm not sure which version broke.

I suspect something changed, but I don't know which module is not loading (or new).

I'm currently running: kernel-core-6.5.6-200.t2.fc38.x86_64

jeffgus commented 9 months ago

I found info on Discord about this. I also found that the t2linux wiki recommends installing tiny-dfr. I already have a package talled rust-tiny-dfr that conflicts with tiny-dfr. Which package is correct?

jeffgus commented 9 months ago

I followed all the suggestions in Discord. I removed the old config/tools, reinstalled tiny-dfr and rebooted. It fixed the issue! Thanks t2 Discord community!

jeffgus commented 9 months ago
