Currently, the search can sometimes require the page to load 10,000+ results. This makes the whole processing of DOM elements very slow.
The following solution is proposed:
By default for every container, only load the first 20 competencies.
If there are more than 20 competencies, replace the functionality of the link "Show all competencies (X)". Instead of unhiding the rest of the competencies open the same search in a new tab with an additional search filter for the container (i.e. the result would only show that single container)
Additionally, we need to add a "hidden" param (in the URL) that would make all the competencies load (not only load the first 20).
Make sure that the search results in the initial output are sorted in relevance order.
Currently, the search can sometimes require the page to load 10,000+ results. This makes the whole processing of DOM elements very slow.
The following solution is proposed: