t3-innovation-network / desm

Data Ecosystem Schema Mapper
Apache License 2.0
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Provide more info / context for mapped properties #421

Open philbarker opened 1 year ago

philbarker commented 1 year ago

The properties mapped to the spine should have more information about how they "connect" to the domain being mapped. For example instead of postalCode could be Person.address → PostalAddress.postalCode.

Important to emphasize this even when property is directly connected to show that, for example name is Person.name not, say, the name of the person's employer (which could be Person.employer → Organization.name)

(Note, this could be difficult to do automatically for RDF based stds)

philbarker commented 2 months ago

Important for accurate mapping. Related to #404 which is high priority.

edgarf commented 1 month ago

@philbarker could you provide more details and specifics on this task?

philbarker commented 3 weeks ago

Suggested resolution, (edit: disregard this: when issue #404 is resolved so that we have path information for properties,) the information card for mapped properties when both mapping and displaying results, that is on cards for both mapped and unmapped properties on the "align and fine tune" mappings screen


and on the view of completed mappings


should include (where known / as appropriate):

The information about mapped properties in results display already looks a bit crowded, but we think a redesign will help: here is how we would like it to look:


While you are at it, could you tidy up the information displayed on the mapping cards. Currently they look like this:


—for a CEDS term that came from a spread sheet in https://gopher.desm.staging.c66.me/mappings/252/align (user phil+ceds@pjjk.co.uk)

or like


—for a schema.org term from RDF/S vocab definition in https://gopher.desm.staging.c66.me/mappings/279/align (user phil+sdo@pjjk.co.uk)

Please can we make them all look as close to the second example, i.e.

Finally on the mapping page, the origin for the properties is showing as the organization that uploaded it.
