t3-innovation-network / desm

Data Ecosystem Schema Mapper
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Handling opaque class ids #556

Open philbarker opened 1 week ago

philbarker commented 1 week ago

CEDS Ontology uses opaque ids for classes and properties. So having imported a new schema the dialog to select relevant classes looks like this: image

The data in the vocab description file for each class is:

:C200345 a rdfs:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Postsecondary Student Program" ;
    dc:creator "Common Education Data Standards" ;
    dc:identifier "C200345"^^xsd:token ;
    rdfs:comment "The classification of a program of a postsecondary student." ;
    rdfs:subClassOf :BaseCEDSResource ;
    skos:notation "PostsecondaryStudentProgram" 

Please can we display the rdfs:label as well as the id.