t3chnoboy / amazon-product-api

:credit_card: Amazon Product Advertising API client
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sync response #79

Closed akelmj closed 7 years ago

akelmj commented 7 years ago

when i call this function i get: undefined

for example:

var r = amazonGetItem('B002SSUQFG');

function amazonGetItem(asin) {
    var result;
        idType: 'ASIN',
        itemId: asin
    }).then(function (results) {
        result = results;
    }).catch(function (err) {
      result = '';
    return result;

i want to wait untill the temLookup return data?


masterT commented 7 years ago

Yes, because you returned the result value before it was assigned in the Promise.

masterT commented 7 years ago

There is a lot of asynchronous computations in javascript and nodejs. I recommend you to get familiar with it!

akelmj commented 7 years ago
