t3chnoboy / amazon-product-api

:credit_card: Amazon Product Advertising API client
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What is awsTag? #88

Open pirmax opened 7 years ago

pirmax commented 7 years ago


What is awsTag in code demo?


rawnly commented 7 years ago

same "problem"

masterT commented 7 years ago

The awsTag is in fact the AssociateTag in the API doc. Here is the section about it.

An alphanumeric token that uniquely identifies an Associate. This token is the means by which Amazon identifies the Associate to credit for a sale. If a request is made without identifying an Associate, Associate fees are not paid by Amazon. If the AssociateTag is included in the CartCreate request, the value for AssociateTag is automatically included in the PurchaseURL, which is returned by CartCreate. To obtain an Associate Tag, see Becoming an Associate.

Valid values: An alphanumeric token distributed by Amazon that uniquely identifies an Associate. Use this value in all requests to receive credit for the customer purchases.


masterT commented 7 years ago

@t3chnoboy Maybe we should rename this for a future version. Version 1.0.0?

t3chnoboy commented 7 years ago

@masterT Yeah, we can also keep awsTag for compatibility

JuanCrg90 commented 7 years ago

@t3chnoboy @masterT maybe we should add an extra note with that link in the Readme.

masterT commented 7 years ago

Yes that also a good idea!

pirmax commented 7 years ago

image The awsTag is your partner tag disponible on your Amazon partner account.