t3l3machus / Villain

Villain is a high level stage 0/1 C2 framework that can handle multiple TCP socket & HoaxShell-based reverse shells, enhance their functionality with additional features (commands, utilities) and share them among connected sibling servers (Villain instances running on different machines).
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[Cannot "cd" in shell] This session is unstable. Consider running a socket-based rshell process in it. #143

Closed CatharsisCoding closed 5 months ago

CatharsisCoding commented 5 months ago


Hello i dont understund i make a reverse shell on a ssh server , but when i try to access the reverse shell on villain , i cannot do this command: cd issue show in the picture and i have this warning : This session is unstable. Consider running a socket-based rshell process in it. .

t3l3machus commented 5 months ago

Villain is doing its best to handle reverse shells established with various commands and scripts. Based on certain characteristics of the reverse connection, some of them are characterized as stable / unstable. When you get this message "This session is unstable", it means you have a diminished shell, like the one you are experiencing. Try establishing shells with different commands (python and PowerShell reverse shell commands work pretty good).