t4d-gmbh / git-and-its-remotes

A course for the casual git user that wants to get more out of git and associated remote services
GNU General Public License v3.0
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started with raw content for slides #11

Open e-BaMaMe opened 5 days ago

j-i-l commented 18 hours ago

note to self: _working_withgit also still contains some potentially useful content


Also (partially wrong):

Slide 1: Services Offered by GitHub and GitLab

Title: Services Offered by GitHub and GitLab

    Repository Hosting
        Cloud-based Git repository storage

    Collaboration Tools
        Pull Requests (GitHub) / Merge Requests (GitLab)
        Code Review and Comments

    Issue Tracking
        Integrated issue management systems

    Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
        Automated pipelines for testing and deployment

    Project Management
        Kanban boards, milestones, and roadmaps

        Built-in documentation and knowledge sharing

    Security Features
        Access control and permissions
        Vulnerability scanning

    Integrations and APIs
        Support for third-party integrations and custom APIs

    Open Source Support
        Free hosting for open-source projects

    Activity Feeds and Notifications
        Updates on repository activity

    Automation Tools
        GitHub Actions / GitLab CI for workflow automation

    Container Registry
        Storage for Docker images and container artifacts

    Static Site Hosting
        GitHub Pages / GitLab Pages for hosting static websites

    Code Search
        Advanced search capabilities within repositories

    Community Features
        Discussions, sponsorships, and project insights

Slide 2: Differences Between GitHub and GitLab

Title: Key Differences Between GitHub and GitLab

    CI/CD Integration
        GitHub: GitHub Actions for CI/CD workflows
        GitLab: Built-in CI/CD with more extensive features

    User Interface
        GitHub: Simpler, more streamlined interface
        GitLab: More complex with additional features visible

    Open Source vs. Private Repositories
        GitHub: Free for public repositories; private repositories have limitations on free accounts
        GitLab: Offers unlimited private repositories for free

    Project Management Tools
        GitHub: Basic project management features
        GitLab: More advanced project management tools, including epics and roadmaps

    Self-Hosting Options
        GitHub: GitHub Enterprise for self-hosting
        GitLab: GitLab Community Edition (open-source) and GitLab Enterprise Edition for self-hosting

    Community and Ecosystem
        GitHub: Larger community and ecosystem, especially for open-source projects
        GitLab: Strong focus on DevOps and integrated tools

    Pricing Models
        GitHub: Free tier with limitations; paid plans for additional features
        GitLab: Free tier with more features; tiered pricing for advanced capabilities

    Container Registry
        GitHub: GitHub Container Registry
        GitLab: Integrated container registry with more features