t4ngo / dragonfly

ARCHIVED! - Speech recognition framework allowing powerful Python-based scripting and extension of Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS) and Windows Speech Recognition (WSR)
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
364 stars 82 forks source link

DragonFly Related to NuanceDev ? //Answer; No, but see here for Tips on getting it running with Emacs. #21

Closed AnneTheAgile closed 9 years ago

AnneTheAgile commented 9 years ago

hi! I am wanting to use DragonFly to program emacs, as I saw on a PyVideo a couple of years back.

Recently I was reading about Nuance's new 'server' offering with unstated pricing , implying very expensive, and a website with some python info ; http://nuancedev.github.io/samples/http/python/ http://www.nuance.com/naturallyspeaking/products/sdk/sdk_server.asp

How does / will DragonFly relate to that project? Are we still going to be supportable? I would really like to try this out. Thank you! AnneTheAgile

ps I'm happy that there's the PR for Dragon v11+! https://github.com/t4ngo/dragonfly/issues/9 https://github.com/t4ngo/dragonfly/pull/20

pps Also, which version do we need to buy to make this work for us? win; pro seems more likely required ; http://www.amazon.com/difference-version-Professional-Platform-Windows/forum/FxG1YF5QGP7535/TxX2GQC6ZMC8ER/1/ref=cm_cd_ql_tlc_al?_encoding=UTF8&asin=B00LX4BYV6 mac ; http://shop.nuance.com/store/nuanceus/Custom/pbpage.dragon-dictate-4-resp-landing?utm_medium=ps&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=dragon&utm_term=dragon%20dictate%20download&cvokeywordid=78494&cvosrc=ps.Google.dragon%20dictate%20download&gclid=CJ3Dtej6xsICFYtr7AodzWAAtg

synkarius commented 9 years ago

I think I can point you in the right direction.

1) Nuance's Python HTTP CLI is completely unrelated to Dragonfly. That the API is written in Python is a strange coincidence. Nuance's Python HTTP CLI is a library and a service for adding speech recognition to an app. It requires a developer account and a payment plan.

There are two ways to program with Dragonfly:

No Dragonfly engine exists for Nuance's Python HTTP CLI.

2) Regarding your question about which version of Dragon to buy, you do not want DragonDictate. You want any version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking. Home, Premium, Professional-- they all work with Dragonfly. I recommend Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13, but I can personally attest that Dragonfly works with all versions of Dragon NaturallySpeaking back to at least version 10.

3) If you want to use Dragonfly to control Emacs, you also need to get Aenea (or Damselfly or some other way) installed and set up. Here is information on how to do that. Aenea: https://github.com/dictation-toolbox/aenea/blob/master/README.rst or Damselfly: https://github.com/russell/damselfly/blob/master/README.md

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

AnneTheAgile commented 9 years ago

@synkarius , thank you so much, that was very clarifying ! It is cool that Dragonfly supports windows speech already, and of course that's free. I will see if I can get it going.