t4qjXH8N / ioBroker.gardena

An ioBroker adapter for Gardena Smart System.
MIT License
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Gardena API documentation #24

Open nanosonde opened 5 years ago

nanosonde commented 5 years ago


Are you aware of this documentation from Husqvarna Group to which Gardena belongs? https://developer.1689.cloud/apis

t4qjXH8N commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I am going to have a look at it.

neopholus commented 5 years ago

Dear Christian,

I had a look at this documentation and learned here, that the adapter could be improved by not polling the status but use the Realtime API.

The process described in the documentation is to connect, get the current status and then keep the status up-to-date by processing the event pushed by the server using a WebSocket connection.

No idea how much effort this is to implement but just wanted to inform you about this Realtime API as I did not know about that up to now. Maybe you are interested, otherwise the adapter works also well as it is right now.

Best regards Stefan

t4qjXH8N commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for the info! I am going to implement websocket communication during spring 2020.

jpgorganizer commented 4 years ago

Hi Christian, I just found your adapter here. Glad to read that you're going to implement websocket api during spring 2020. If you need somebody to help then please give me an hint. I'm an IT specialist, but without know-how in (web) programming languages like Javascript till now. But I think some testing would be fine.

I have available: Sileno+, Irrigation control, smart plug

Merry Christmas

dslraser commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for the info! I am going to implement websocket communication during spring 2020.

Hallo, wann ist mit einem Adapter Update zu rechnen ? Noch bevor die neue Gartensaison beginnt ? (das wird event. meine Kaufentscheidung für/gegen weitere Gardena Produkte beeinflussen) Ich hoffe auf die Weiterentwicklung. Gern kann ich auch mit testen. Irrigation Control /4 Ventile sind schon vorhanden. Gruß Heiko

StrathCole commented 4 years ago

Hello. There seems to be a new adapter that does exactly that: https://github.com/jpgorganizer/ioBroker.smartgarden

dslraser commented 4 years ago

Hello. There seems to be a new adapter that does exactly that: https://github.com/jpgorganizer/ioBroker.smartgarden

Habe ich bereits s installiert.