If there is no reaction until 15.11.2024 this adapter might be removed from stable repository or moved to ioborker-community-adapters organisation.
If you do not plan to support the adapetr any longer, pleae consider transferring it to iobroker-community-adapters so that we can fix the problem and make you work available in the furture.
Please let us know whether this adapter is still maintained by posting any reply comment. Please fix issue https://github.com/t4qjXH8N/ioBroker.wiffi-wz/issues/185 as soon as possible.
If there is no reaction until 15.11.2024 this adapter might be removed from stable repository or moved to ioborker-community-adapters organisation.
If you do not plan to support the adapetr any longer, pleae consider transferring it to iobroker-community-adapters so that we can fix the problem and make you work available in the furture.
So please repsond.