t4t5 / nostr-react

React Hooks for Nostr 🦤
MIT License
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Potential type improvement #7

Open chmac opened 1 year ago

chmac commented 1 year ago

I think that there's a type mismatch. The type Event in nostr-tools has id and sig as optional. But when receiving an event from a relay, those two parameters must exist. So the type of events from a relay is, I believe, actually a Required<Event>.

I suspect that the type should be Required<NostrEvent> here:


It looks to me as though the type of what a subscription.on('event', cb) receives (so the type of the argument passed to cb) is not specified in nostr-tools. I think that means that by changing line 136 above to Required<NostrEvent> the type would be correct.

I noticed this because when I'm trying to read the id of events in React, TypeScript complains the id could be undfined. I don't think it can be when it comes from a relay.

Apologies if this is not very clear! I'll try to explain it more clearly if this doesn't make sense.