t4t5 / sweetalert

A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"
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Multiple swal #974

Open jdechaseaux opened 2 years ago

jdechaseaux commented 2 years ago

Hello everebody, I have issues trying to display multiple swal.

Only the last swal is displayed. I tried many things with sweetalert and sweetalert2, without success. I tried use swal.queue but i have error like swal.queue doesnt exist.

Because i have situation where condition1 and condition2 are true or other situations ... And in fact i have more than 3 swal, but this is for the example.

Here is my code :

            if (condition1true) {
                    title: "Erreur",
                    content: htmlContent,
                    icon: "error",
                    dangerMode: true,
                    className: "swalError"
        if (condition2true) {
                    title: "Succes",
                    text: "text here...",
                    icon: "success"
        if (condition3true) {
                    title: "Succes",
                    text: "text here...",
                    icon: "success"


Thanks for your help

jm-taotao commented 2 years ago

but my project onley see the first, the next away flash across

lionralfs commented 2 years ago

You can do something like this: https://codepen.io/lionralfs/pen/mdqXWGX?editors=0010 which makes use of await to wait until a swal is closed, see docs.