t9md / atom-vim-mode-plus

vim-mode improved
MIT License
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[bug] exmode takes long to appear and misses my keystrokes. #1071

Closed trusktr closed 6 years ago

trusktr commented 6 years ago

Execute Vim Mode Plus: Clip Debug Info(which write info to clipboard) then paste here.

debug info with package info ```json { "atom": "1.27.1", "platform": "darwin", "release": "17.5.0", "vmpVersion": "1.32.0", "vmpConfig": { "keymapYToYankToLastCharacterOfLine": true, "blackholeRegisteredOperators": [], "startInInsertModeScopes": [], "charactersToAddSpaceOnSurround": [], "highlightSearchExcludeScopes": [], "flashOnOperateBlacklist": [] }, "activeCommunityPackages": [ "atom-material-syntax: 1.0.8", "atom-vim-like-tab: 1.5.1", "ex-mode-sort: 1.0.0", "hey-pane: 1.1.0", "keystroke: 0.4.0", "minimap: 4.29.8", "minimap-quick-highlight: 1.0.1", "one-tab: 0.10.0", "quick-highlight: 0.13.0", "teletype: 0.13.2", "vim-mode-plus: 1.32.0", "vim-mode-plus-keymaps-for-surround: 0.2.1", "language-pug: 0.0.22", "platformio-ide-terminal: 2.8.1", "ex-mode: 0.18.0" ] } ```

Read and check all "Check list" bellow.

Check list

You have to check all before open issue.

trusktr commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to get by, but it is completely unusable.

t9md commented 6 years ago

Which ex-mode pkg are you using?

trusktr commented 6 years ago

Oops, wait, I have ex-mode installed. I'll post there. Sorry!

trusktr commented 6 years ago

Well, I just tried vim-mode-plus-ex-mode and it has the same issue. I type my commands too fast, before the palette is open. It makes it difficult to use.

t9md commented 6 years ago

I can understand your issue, theoretically it can be happen. But I'm not so interested to fix this issue unless I get more reasonable input for background, frequency, no alternative solution for that something like these...

For :w issue. I recommend you to use savecmd-s(macOS). And taking over 1sec for launching ex-mode is too long. At least from 2nd invocation, it should open instantly.

t9md commented 6 years ago

Btw, I tried with vim-mode-plus-ex-mode, and cannot reproduce it. And this is not issue of vim-mode-plus. So please report it to ex-mode first. I think vmp-side can do nothing to fix your issue.

trusktr commented 6 years ago

@t9md I figured out what was causing it! I had some keymaps like this in keymaps.cson:

    ': t a b n enter': 'atom-vim-like-tab:new'
    ': t a b c enter': 'atom-vim-like-tab:close'

So because the keymap uses :, if I press :, it will wait for the time out before executing the : command to open ex-mode.

So, I removed these type of maps and turned ex-mode back on. Woo hoo!

(atom-vim-like-tab is very nice, by the way. Finally, vim tabs with splits inside of them)