t9md / atom-vim-mode-plus

vim-mode improved
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Prevent cursor movement on mouse click #1157

Open vtwaldo21 opened 2 years ago

vtwaldo21 commented 2 years ago
debug info ```json { "atom": "1.51.0", "platform": "linux", "release": "3.10.0-1160.59.1.el7.x86_64", "vmpVersion": "1.36.7", "vmpConfig": { "groupChangesWhenLeavingInsertMode": false } } ```

Read and check all "Checklist" below.


You have to check all before open issue.

This may just be a N00B question or misunderstanding, but I like Atom and love VMP, but the mouse is killing me. Is there a way to prevent the mouse cursor from moving on click (even if limited to while in insert mode)? Similarly and related, have middle-click-paste paste at the cursor position vice the mouse position? I've seen the latter issue raised a few times in the original vim plugin but never resolved. End result is I just have text inserted at the wrong place all the time.

Background: Having the mouse move around on click is actually incredibly frustrating, which makes me think I'm just doing something wrong. The solution may well be just stop using the mouse but it would be nice if it worked similar to traditional VIM, which is mouse click doesn't move the cursor, but mouse scroll does pan the window (at least I believe that is default VIM behavior, I tried to remove all vimrc configuration before testing)

Thanks for all the good work.

atom --version Atom : 1.51.0 Electron: 5.0.13 Chrome : 73.0.3683.121 Node : 12.0.0

VMP - 1.36.7