tBuLi / symfit

Symbolic Fitting; fitting as it should be.
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Sensitivity of Fit's slope/max values to model parameters #364

Closed lhdp0110 closed 1 year ago

lhdp0110 commented 1 year ago

I need to perform a sensitivity analysis measuring the impact of the model's parameters onto "indirect" aspects of the model's fit. By indirect aspects, I mean how the parameter variations affect the initial value, maximum value, induction rate (upwards slope from initial to max), and decay rate (downwards slope from max back to baseline) of the fit. I have written functions to quantify these four aspects, but cannot figure out how to perform a sensitivity analysis that is not directly of the function. Please help?

from scipy import integrate as sp
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import numpy as np
from numpy import exp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import SALib
from SALib.sample import saltelli
from SALib.analyze import sobol

# degradation/inactivation rates
d_A = 0.5     
d_G = 0.02       
d_P = 0.01     
d_bP = 0.02      
d_bI = 0.01     
d_R = 0.01       
d_N = 0.01       
d_NG1 = 0.05    
d_NG2 = 0.05     

# supply rates
s_A = d_A      
s_P = d_P       
s_B = d_R     
s_NG1 = d_NG1     
s_NG2 = d_NG1    

# reaction/binding rates
c_A = 0.8     
c_P = 0.5       
c_I = 1      
c_B = 4        
c_N = 3     
c_bN = 2.5     
c_NG1 = 0.1
c_NG2 = 0.2

# carrying capacity
K_I = 1

# flow rate into nucleus
f_P =  9       

# strength of feedback effect
phi_NG1 = 0.07
phi_NG2 = 0.32

# proliferation rate
p_G = 2.5      

# mortality rate
m_G = 2        

# definition of the system of ODEs
def f(t, y, d_A, d_N, c_A, c_N, c_bN):
    A = y[0]
    G = y[1]
    P = y[2]
    bP = y[3]
    bI = y[4]
    RB = y[5]
    RP = y[6]
    RN = y[7]
    bRN = y[8]
    NG1 = y[9]
    NG2 = y[10]

    dA_dt = s_A + c_A * bRN - d_A * A                       # AMPs transcribed by Relish
    dG_dt = p_G * G - m_G * G * A - d_G * G                 # pathogen present outside the cell

    dP_dt = s_P - 2 * c_P * P**2 * G * exp(-phi_NG1 * NG1) - d_P * P              # unbound PGRP-LC monomer
    dbP_dt = c_P * P**2 * G * exp(-phi_NG1 * NG1) - d_bP * bP                     # PGRP-LC dimer bound to pathogen

    dbI_dt = c_I * (1-bI/K_I) * bP * exp(-phi_NG2 * NG2) - d_bI * bI                  # IMD recruited by activated PGRP-LC

    dRB_dt = s_B - c_B * RB * bI - d_R * RB                 # Relish B in cytoplasm
    dRP_dt = c_B * RB * bI - f_P * RP - d_R * RP            # Relish P in cytoplasm

    dRN_dt = f_P * RP - c_N * RN + c_bN * bRN - d_N * RN    # free nuclear Relish
    dbRN_dt = c_N * RN - c_bN * bRN            # nuclear Relish bound to target gene

    dNG1_dt = s_NG1 + c_NG1 * bRN - d_NG1 * NG1             # neg reg at level 1 (PGRP-SC2/LB, pathogen binding)
    dNG2_dt = s_NG2 + c_NG2 * bRN - d_NG2 *NG2              # neg reg at level 2 (PIRK, IMD recruitment)

    return np.array([dA_dt, dG_dt, dP_dt, dbP_dt, dbI_dt, dRB_dt, dRP_dt, dRN_dt, dbRN_dt, dNG1_dt, dNG2_dt])

t_span = np.array([0, 50])
times = np.linspace(t_span[0], t_span[1], 101)

# Initial conditions of ODE system
y0 = np.array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1])

# Below this point is my attempt to follow examples but had a hard time adapting/making sense of the syntax

# example single calculation

### Sobol analysis ###
# defining problem
# can add the 'I' parameter
# assumed that range for each parameter is 80-120% of value assumed above
# can be changed
problem = {
  'num_vars': 5, 
  'names': ['d_A', 'd_N','c_A','c_N','c_bN'],
  'bounds': [[0, 20],
             [0, 20],
             [0, 20],
             [0, 20],
             [0, 20]]

# Generate samples
param_values = saltelli.sample(problem, 500)

# initializing matrix to store output
N = len(param_values)
#Y = np.zeros([N,1])

# Run model (example)
# numerically soves the ODE
# output is X1, X2, and X3 at the end time step
# could save output for all time steps if desired, but requires more memory
#Y = np.zeros([N,1])
#for i in range(len(vals)):
#  Y[i][:] = sp.odeint(f,y0,times,
#    args=(vals[i][0],vals[i][1],vals[i][2],vals[i][3],vals[i][4]))

Y = np.zeros(N)

for i in range(N):
    Y[i] = sp.odeint(f, y0, times, args=(param_values[i][0],param_values[i][1],param_values[i][2],param_values[i][3],param_values[i][4]))

# completing soboal analysis for each X1, X2, and X3
#print('\n\n====X1 Sobol output====\n\n')
#Si_X1 = sobol.analyze(problem, Y[:,0], print_to_console=True)
#print('\n\n====X2 Sobol output====\n\n')
#Si_X2 = sobol.analyze(problem, Y[:,1], print_to_console=True)
#print('\n\n====X3 Sobol output====\n\n')
#Si_X3 = sobol.analyze(problem, Y[:,2], print_to_console=True)
pckroon commented 1 year ago

I'm not completely sure what you need/want, and you're not using symfit. It sounds like you want the jacobian (derivative wrt parameters) of your "analysis" functions. You can determine this either analytically, or by using something like finite difference methods.