taarifa / Taarifa_Web

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Graphics and Iconography #2

Closed taarifa closed 12 years ago

taarifa commented 12 years ago

Create custom graphics and icons for the application, both within the web application and the mobile application. We should move away from branding it as a water hackathon project to something that is a community project, albeit with roots in RHOK!

John07 commented 12 years ago

I'm not a graphic designer, but I've done some simple icons before, so maybe I can help. I just need a starting point. It would be way easier for me to start with a description for an icon or a rough sketch. I have set up Taarifa locally, so I can look at the context if provided. So, if anyone has any leads or stumbles upon a place where an icon is needed, list it here and I'll see what I can come up with.

svasdev commented 12 years ago

Hi all, spoke with Mark about this. I'm happy to draft a couple options. Will stick with the world/globe theme as Mark requested. Could you please clarify exactly what text should be included on the graphic? Just "Taarifa"? Any other subtext/numbers? And the various iterations you'd need (any predetermined image sizes/ratios I should know about)?

markiliffe commented 12 years ago

At the moment I think we'd be happy with something that is ours and use that to develop and provide feedback; carte blanche effectively.

jkosem commented 12 years ago

Might want to leave this till last. I think that icons can be placeholders or just quickly done for as long as possible and any styling should be done later.

At first poke around the site, I think some things with the IA and interaction can be smoothed out already. What is essentially the styling could come after things and bits and bobs of forms or displays or whatever is maybe moved around a bit.

In general as it is "always beta" by the looks of it, it shouldn't be more complex as it is graphically if you ask me.

markiliffe commented 12 years ago

Personally I really love the Apollo branding and mission patch. I want the 'tagline' of Taarifa to be the mission statement of Apollo; "For All Mankind". Do you think something along those lines would work around this space @svasdev?

jkosem commented 12 years ago

This might be something I could have a go at, at a basic level. Might be worth getting someone who could concentrate on the styling and CSS. Otherwise, its quite a lot to do the interaction design and then do that bit as well.

Alternately, maybe rip off some Wordpress themeing?

markiliffe commented 12 years ago

Do you think we can close this now we've got favicons and a logo for the time being? @puntofisso, @John07 ?

puntofisso commented 12 years ago

Yep, agreed. Closed.