taarifa / Taarifa_Web

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Bug In Form Creation / Potential JS Error #27

Closed markiliffe closed 12 years ago

markiliffe commented 12 years ago

When creating a form (when logged in as an adminstrator in /admin/manage/forms) it is possible to create a form using the options provided. However it is not possible to then delete form items (like dropdown menus, radio buttons etc) when they have been created. To remove features it is necessary to delete the form and start again.

Therefore the delete 'form item' feature would need to be fixed and resolved. Because of the way that it works at the moment I would assume that this is a JavaScript issue. This is a very critical bug to be resolved and if it is not then fluffy bunnies will perish!

peeb commented 12 years ago

Initial investigation: after shoving in a bunch of alert(); statements, it seems the Javascript on that page does absolutely nothing when you delete a form element i.e. there is jQuery but it isn't actually hooked up to anything that would remove the element from the DOM. It also seems that the Kohana endpoint for the form post also doesn't do anything.

Going to try to hack in some actual functionality: the PHP endpoint should delete the input item and the jQuery on the page should remove the element from the DOM.

peeb commented 12 years ago

The latest Ushahidi code in application/controllers/admin/manage/forms.php fixes this problem.

The Taarifa version of the same file has been updated to use the same code.