taarifa / Taarifa_Web

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After installation .htaccess issues #51

Closed markiliffe closed 11 years ago

markiliffe commented 11 years ago

After installation the front page doesn't show. After viewing the 'source' no code is being parsed. For me this is either a .htaccess rewriterule issue. In attempting to debug I also changed the root directory in the config.php file to no effect.

chebizarro commented 11 years ago

I can confirm this on an XAMPP installation, Ubuntu 12.10 x64

puntofisso commented 11 years ago

To me the problem doesn't look like it is in .htaccess. Adding some test prints, it works out that the last line in index.php calls, in my case, /Users/puntofisso/Desktop/DEV/Taarifa_Web/system/core/Bootstrap.php

and adding a print to this file, it gets printed if I put it before than the call to Kohana::setup();

I suspected a permission issue, but even a chmod -R 777 * didn't help. I'm not an expert with Kohana, though, so I can't tell what's happening there.

markiliffe commented 11 years ago

Have reopened the thread, assuming a mistake from @stevenfeldman.

stevenfeldman commented 11 years ago

Apologies was trying to stop getting mails from GitHub

kynan commented 11 years ago

@stevenfeldman https://github.com/settings/notifications

nellessen commented 11 years ago

I cannot reproduce this problem. I followed exactly the installation instruction documented https://github.com/taarifa/Taarifa_Web except I activated clean URLs after I finished the installation (but this has most likely nothing todo with the problem). taarifa screenshot1.

To debug the problem here are my environment:

markiliffe commented 11 years ago

Worked out the issue. It's to do with the compatibility of PHP. I've been communicating with @nellessen about this, consequently I've assinged it to David, until you can assign multiple people to issues.

markiliffe commented 11 years ago

As we've identified that it's a PHP issue, and #52 deals with compatibility with PHP 5.4 I'm closing this issue.

markiliffe commented 11 years ago

@chebizarro can you confirm what PHP version you're using?

chebizarro commented 11 years ago

I'm using PHP Version 5.4.7