taarifa / Taarifa_Web

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Ghana_Latest #53

Open DylanYangDylan opened 10 years ago

DylanYangDylan commented 10 years ago


vicchi commented 10 years ago

Hi. Thanks for submitting this pull request. Without wanting to dent your enthusiasm, there's a few issues that will get in the way of this being reviewed and hopefully merged.

Can you firstly recreate the pull request from a branch that isn't master? See https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request for best practice on this.

Secondly this pull request is huge - 8,391 files changed; 774,104 additions; 102,091 deletions. Even GitHub won't show the full list of changes, limiting to the first 1,500 deltas.

From an initial review, it looks like a lot of this may be down to the code base you were working on being held in SVN; adding all the files under .svn and then removing them is a lot of noise to work through. Can your working branch be based after you've done the .svn cleanup as any SVN files don't have any impact on Git or on GitHub.

After this, could you please repackage the pull request, preferably as a series of phased commits so we can see what changes have been made in a clear and clean fashion. Some comments in the code and in the pull request itself would also help so we can see what's going on.

Thanks in advance. If you need any help or advice, don't hesitate to post back here.


kynan commented 10 years ago

Given that you appear to have kept the history in SVN I think the sensible thing to do is converting this history to git using e.g. svn2git.

Regardless of that, in addition to what @vicchi already mentioned there is still a lot of SVN remnants in the pull request as well as thousands of log files which I'm sure you didn't mean to commit in the first place.

DylanYangDylan commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the helpful comments. I will look into this and do another pull request shortly.

CristianCantoro commented 9 years ago

Relevant context: http://taarifa.wordpress.com/2014/07/11/open-source-values/