taarifa / djangorifa

Django implementation of Taarifa.
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Doesn't work with SpatiaLite #8

Open spacedman opened 11 years ago

spacedman commented 11 years ago

Just tried installing with SpatialLite, but fails because SpatiaLite can't compute distances on spherical coordinates, and I assume everything is done in lat-long.

I'll add this as an issue here in case anyone else tries it. Meanwhile, its install PostGIS time...

cazgp commented 11 years ago

This is in the documentation - we have tested djangorifa only with PostGIS. We should make this into a bigger issue of testing that this works with all Geodjango-able databases.

barryrowlingson commented 11 years ago

It says it works with PostGIS - it doesn't say it only works with PostGIS, and it doesn't say it doesn't work with SpatiaLite. A one-liner in the docs would clear this up!

kynan commented 11 years ago

I think this should stay open until resolved.

barryrowlingson commented 11 years ago

I would accept a documentation change as a resolution. The team can then decide whether to consider it as an enhancement (I think not worth it, PostGIS is pretty easy to set up, and there's bigger fish to fry).