taataa / tapspace

Zoomable user interface library for web apps.
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Design how to dynamically load and forget content #95

Closed axelpale closed 11 months ago

axelpale commented 6 years ago

Tools that help in connecting tapspace front-end to backends with so much data that only a fraction can be downloaded and rendered at once.



axelpale commented 6 years ago

Issue https://github.com/taataa/tapspace/issues/105 was caused because content was removed in the middle of a gesture. The forgetting of content should happen only after gestures have ended.

axelpale commented 6 years ago

Solving the issue #113 will probably show us how to do this.

axelpale commented 6 years ago

Do we need a general depth-limited graph search algorithm?

Consider we have a tree structure where the nodes can be opened (a leaf becomes a parent for a bunch of new leaves) or closed (the children of the nodes are removed so the node becomes a leaf). Consider also a graph-based UI with a single focal point. Let the focal node be the one closest to the center of the viewport, at the tree-depth most suitable for the current scale.

The question is: when the focal node changes, how we determine which nodes to open or close.

axelpale commented 6 years ago

Graph traversal libs:

Good ones are hard to find!

axelpale commented 6 years ago

An approach we used in Taataa, videograph example, and a school-project that starts with S:

Three layers:

In other words:

If the view moves, we must:

Two cases, let us call them:

For the case LINKED, an algorithm:

  1. select a focal content item (e.g. nearest element at the middle of the screen)
    • linear search should be fast enough because the number of visible items cannot be high
  2. mark every visible item for deletion
    • this way we prevent visible but unreachable islands
  3. init a list for items to fetch from the global model
  4. init a list for items to make visible
  5. init a list for the resulting visible items
  6. begin a depth-limited breadth-first traversal on the focal item
    • traverse on the local model until depth-limit or unknown adjacent
    • bfs over dfs because the items nearest to the focal item are more important and should be fetched first. The visual experience should be like a wave, not like the nibbles game.
  7. for every visited item
    • unmark item from deletion
    • if item is not visible, push it to the make-visible list
    • if item is not yet at depth-limit then for each adjacent items:
      • if adjacent item is known, push it to a queue as required by the depth-first search alg
      • else mark the adjacent item for fetch. Mark also the depth
  8. for each visible item
    • if the item is marked for deletion, remove it
    • else push it to the new list of visible items
  9. for each make-visible item
    • make the item visible
    • push it to the new list of visible items
  10. fetch the should-fetch items (async operation)
    • only if the algorithm is not cancelled (e.g. new run due to changed focal item)
  11. for each fetched item
    • store item to local model
    • make the item visible
    • if depth < depth-limit, still more nodes are needed: set a repeat flag to true
  12. if the repeat flag is on, restart the algorithm
    • this way fetching continues until the frontier meets the depth limit
    • performance penalty of repetition should not be an issue because the breadth-first search is done synchronously with a relatively small number of items

The async fetching should be cancellable to prevent unnecessary async API calls.

axelpale commented 6 years ago

For the case COORDINATED, an algorithm:

Assume there exists one-to-one mapping between ids and coordinates.


  1. for each ITEM in VISIBLE, mark to be hidden: ITEM.HIDE = TRUE
  2. compute ids from coordinates of items that should be visible, store ids to a list SHOULDVIS
    • the list includes ids of items that can be visible, hidden but known locally, known only globally, or do not exist at all.
  3. for each ITEM in SHOULDVIS
    • if ITEM in VISIBLE
      • unmark: ITEM.HIDE = FALSE
      • push to NEXT
    • elseif ITEM in LOCAL
      • push to SHOW
    • else
      • push to FETCH
  4. for each ITEM in VISIBLE
    • if ITEM.HIDE
      • hide ITEM
  5. for each ITEM in SHOW
    • show ITEM
    • push to NEXT
  6. Set VISIBLE = NEXT, forget previous VISIBLE
  7. fetch all items in FETCH (async), store to FETCHED
  8. for each ITEM in FETCHED
    • store ITEM to LOCAL
    • if not cancelled
      • show ITEM
      • store ITEM to VISIBLE
axelpale commented 11 months ago

Solved in tapspace 2.0.0-alpha.16 or so with tapspace.loaders.TreeLoader.