tabalinas / jsgrid

Lightweight Grid jQuery Plugin
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how to add password input type in jsgrid #1434

Open chandranmanikandan82 opened 5 months ago

chandranmanikandan82 commented 5 months ago

Hi All, I am beginner to start with jsgrid for my project, I am creating user module using jsgrid , the fields are username,password.How to create password input type in this field like html . I don't want to show the password instead show *** characters. Appreciate your help in advance

BrahamMounir commented 4 months ago

Hi, as a quick suggestion you can ovrride only the itemTemplate of this field

{ name: "Password", type: "text", align: "left", width: "20%", itemTemplate: function (value) { return "hidden-pwd"; }, },

this will show "hidden-pwd" instead the value it self.


the best way is to define a complete custom field "my_password" and you override the whole templates so you control all the behavior of this field. I recommand that you check