tabatkins / railroad-diagrams

:steam_locomotive: A small JS+SVG library for drawing railroad syntax diagrams, like on Now with a Python port!
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Fix #103: Flake8 config errors due to wrong comment style #104

Closed RossPatterson closed 1 year ago

RossPatterson commented 1 year ago

flake8 produces an exeception: ValueError: Error code '#' supplied to 'ignore' option does not match '^[A-Z]{1,3}[0-9]{0,3}$' because flake8 does not allow inline comments (ref.

Following the recommended settings for Python’s configparser, Flake8 does not support inline comments for any of the keys. So while this is fine:

[flake8] per-file-ignores =

imported but unused F401

this is not:

[flake8] per-file-ignores = F401 # imported but unused