taberenc / AOG_2022

The Adventures of Garnet update
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Planing for Dean's quest line. #1

Open Novae17 opened 1 year ago

Novae17 commented 1 year ago

Hey chief, I've already got all I need to start modifying the game. Got all the tools ready and already put some work into it. I'm currently finishing the house, (I used the one on sale at the top left of the map just beside the orphanage.) As soon as I got it ready, I will create a way for Garnet to buy it.

taberenc commented 1 year ago

when you have an update to those maps, make a pull request and i'll add the updates. Now, in the game, maps 351 and 352 corresponds to Dean's House and Dean's house underground. The maps that im working now are 353 and 354. I'll upload them to the game in their current version, which is unfinished and under develop.

After that I'll download the game again from github. It happens that i was not working in the latest version, and when a map is created, the number is chosed by the editor automatically. Sorry for the mistake. I'll try to not make this error again.

taberenc commented 1 year ago

what a mess.. ive dowloaded now the game, after reuploading the maps with its numbers, from the web and the maps dont work. they are there, but dont work. are not detected, neither my 2 maps nor one of yours. So i'll need to upload also the other files, the ones that refeers to the maps (map index). I'll be working on this now. When is finished, I'll tell you.

taberenc commented 1 year ago

now your maps are on the web with their numbers and they work. now ill try to add mine. keep in mind that the ones added are the last version of your maps that i had. when you finish them, do a pull request. After that, this time, i'll keep in mind that i need to download the version from the web and work with it, not with mine. and sorry.. for this. but mistakes are useful for learning.

check if there is something wrong if you can.

taberenc commented 1 year ago

Ok.. now, in my computer, it seems all fixed now. Your maps and mine maps works. I'll upload the changes in the game now. I recommend that you download the current version, change the files on it with your current files with your changes, and then make a pull request. Then we both will be working on the same version.

right now im doing maps for the end of the game. So .. well, is better to keep in mind that me, and maybe you, need to update regularly our computer files with the ones in the web.

taberenc commented 1 year ago

I think that everything is fine now and that the problem is already fixed. sorry again. As said, i recommend to download the current version in the web, change the files that you need once downloaded, in order to keep the work as you have it. And remember to ask for a pull request as much times as you need it. Then we both will work with the same version. I need to remember to download more frequently and keep my computer version updated. in your pull request add also the modification to the changelog. there you can write the changes that you have done.

If you download the version now in github, you'll see the dean house maps as the last version that i saw and also the files (the job is still half done) in which ive been working.

I think that everything works fine now.

Novae17 commented 1 year ago

I think that everything is fine now and that the problem is already fixed. sorry again. As said, i recommend to download the current version in the web, change the files that you need once downloaded, in order to keep the work as you have it. And remember to ask for a pull request as much times as you need it. Then we both will work with the same version. I need to remember to download more frequently and keep my computer version updated. in your pull request add also the modification to the changelog. there you can write the changes that you have done.

Haha, no issues my friend, no need to be sorry at all! <3 Once I'm done with my changes, I always download your most recent build and then slowly fixate the changes to it. That way, I'm sure to be able to avoid any issues with shared files like items or common events.

Since I'm working on things that are isolated to 2-3 maps, it reduces the number of interactions with everything else. If I began to work with you on finishing the end of the game, Then yes, I would need to update and pull as often as possible.

taberenc commented 1 year ago

My maps are basically sketched by now. Today i've been creating the NPC's with the character generator, to make ghosts. Now i need to change the the pattern to include more skin tones. They are ghosts, so don't have legs. I changed the pattern already to create those ghosts adding some kind of white smoke instead of the legs. I've got by now the position and function of those souls / ghosts / spirits in the purgatory, but now i should give a bit of personality to each of them, to correspond with their function. Then will be time for the dialogues, and after that for the events, whatever is their nature. Since is a purgatory, hell side, greed floor, my plan is to make them merchants obssessed with profit, and to make them offer bad trades to garnet (basically, lie to her) and, maybe, steal to hear. I think that would be the appropiate for that area. Still thinking in what kind of sexual event could add, but that will come at the end. And is a secondary area, so nothing very special.

taberenc commented 1 year ago

btw.. right now im working on some characters for the upper floor (lust one) of purgatory

ive got a pattern for guys with a bone (that ive done myself) , and now i should edit the dresses. is a bit tedious work, but i hope that they will be useful

I did that before. that kind of npc's.. well, they could work better, but i think that they work good enough characterWorking

but sometimes.. the process does not work, and i dont know why. I stop for today.

Novae17 commented 1 year ago

Hey~ Just passing by to let you know I'm still working on it. I'm not as fast as I figured I would be, but I'm putting as much time as I have into it.

As for the sex scenes around that place... I'm not sure what would work. Maybe something centered around magic? Maybe have the cutie lifted up in the air to get fucked by that no-legged man?

taberenc commented 1 year ago

in that area there are a bunch of scenes. One is a ghost that possess her and makes her to masturbate. This event is single. but unlocks the possibility to use a green stone that i added on the tileset and use it as much as wanted by the player. Another one is about peeing (not a fetish of myself, but i know that some people may appreciate that), which is also a way to change from any state (dog , adventurer, slave) to any state. Thats required in the end of the game because magic gets unlocked according to the level, and some of the spells depends on having good level as slave or as dog. So it should be possible, at the end, to have a way to change the state easier and faster. Another scene is when the comrades of her father are transfered to the living world. that scene involves tentacles. Finally, there is a scene where 2 tiny demons fuck her mouth and ass at the same time. im thinking on move that to the upper floor (lust). Those are the scenes that ive done in that hell area by now. Since the area corresponds to greed, i had planned to add some robbery events. Then.. in the current level where she is (the greed) i dont think on more scenes, by now, because the upper floor is lust, and if there is a place to add scenes is there. But well, we will see. The lower floor is wrath (where the final boss is), and maybe will be some scenes there, but just a bunch, if any.

about the time.. no hurry. i took my time too. i mean.. after thinking about it and knowing what i will do, then i do the maps.. modifying tilesets if needed, then put the npc's.. modifying characters if needed, then the dialogues, and is when ive got the maps, characters and main dialogues that i make the events that ive previously planified (not very much, usually). And if i want to keep a good enough quality, i need time. I know that there is room for more events on maps that ive previously done, but my focus is on the end of the story, and while i add some here and there, i dont want to get too focused on this kind of work (expanding the game), because then i wouldnt never finish it. Once there is the good end, then, maybe, ill add more scenes here and there, more calmly, maybe longer, and with more attention to details. who knows, maybe i could add some cg's. But its not my priority right now.

taberenc commented 1 year ago

about the scenes with ghosts.. it doesnt matter very much if they dont have legs if they float as if they would have them. if they have working dicks on position, then is like if they were any other kind of npc. I could add some "all the way throught" kind of event, as example.. but in lust floor. A ghost could do that.

Novae17 commented 1 year ago

I'm currently working on the character sprite for a blowjob scene that will follow up the 'buying the chastity belt'. I haven't uploaded it yet as it's not looking exactly how I want it to.

I've finished working on all the events that lead to that point, however, and also made the collar work both in-game on with the sprites. I should be able to upload something soon if my work calms down a bit. "Crossing fingers"

Novae17 commented 1 year ago

Still alive, more than a bit busy. Things should calm down eventually... I hope~

taberenc commented 1 year ago

same here. we are near the end of semester and job is huge now.