taberenc / AOG_2022

The Adventures of Garnet update
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Shame fixes #8

Open twisteddedication opened 2 months ago

twisteddedication commented 2 months ago

Hello! I was a big fan of the original AoG and was glad to see someone picked up development on it again. I ran into a softlock while playing and thought I'd do a little digging to see if I couldn't figure it out. I think I've fixed it and, hopefully, haven't broken anything else in the meantime.

The issue was, if you entered a map with an entrance to the Dali sewers as a nude, shy slave, Garnet would get stuck in an infinite loop of complaining about her state of undress. To fix this, I moved the shame checks to be part of the sewer exit events instead. In the process, I also fixed a couple other bugs around the shame system: shame should now be correctly checked when leaving combat, and an unrelated softlock that could occur when combat ends in the middle of a move while Garnet is shy and nude (caused by Blizz-ABS not "allowing idle" when the move is interrupted in this way).

I'm pretty new to RPGM, so let me know if I've done anything wrong! Thanks!

twisteddedication commented 2 months ago

Updated to fix a few other instances of this softlock I had missed before.

Oh, and for convenience because .rxdata files don't lend themselves to code review, here's a more detailed changelist:

Updated the following events to set both 0089: Nudity OK and 0210: MapState:Battle to OFF, as well as call the Check Shame common event:

Deleted the autorun events spamming Check Shame every frame from the following maps:

Added script Blizz-ABS - allow idle on player that forcefully sets idle_allowed on the player

Updated the Check Shame common event as follows:

Small change to Update Equipment common event to set the Update Equipment switch off before calling Check Shame (which may turn it back on)

Small change to MapState: Battle common event to use the control switch for Update Equipment rather than calling the event directly from a parallel event (as I understand, this can cause issues)

taberenc commented 2 months ago

hi. thanks. i got stuck in some things:

I thank you that you have fixed this shame issue. i'll check what you have done as soon as i can. the last one that came to help was working on a house in carthage, and in some way he gave me more job than help, but his intentions were good, i think. but then, as sudden as he came, he went away. i need some time to prepare the things and have all the programs and time to begin to work with this again.

by now.. thanks, and ... ok, as soon as i can i'll check it out, and.. make me know which more bugs you find, and.. yea, i can add you as a collaborator or something, i dont remember all the details of how this work right now.

by now, thanks, and i hope that your fix will work and feel free to make me know whatever you think that is needed.

taberenc commented 2 months ago

ok, by now i've assigned you this task about this bug that you have mentioned.

twisteddedication commented 2 months ago

Great, thanks! I'll keep an eye out for updates on the ticket, no rush :) I have lots of great memories with this game, so when I saw the opportunity, I wanted to help out. Feel free to ask if you have any questions about the changes I've made.

taberenc commented 1 month ago

been busy. tomorrow sunday or next monday i'll check it out and mostly sure i'll add your debug to the game. is just a matter of having some free time to do it. if you have something else to add, now it would be a good moment, i guess.