tabeyti / jenkins-jack

Jack into your Jenkins to execute Pipeline scripts, provide Pipeline step autocompletions, pull Shared Library step documenation, run console groovy scripts across multiple nodes, and more! Honestly, not that much more.
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[FEATURE] [Groovy Sandbox] "Use Groovy Sanbox" in config/params #73

Open timonych opened 2 years ago

timonych commented 2 years ago

Hi, @tabeyti

Thanks for Your plugin for VS Code. It works perfectly! At now I can write pipeline and execute it intime, but I have a little problem.

There is 3 options to execute pipeline:

So, I'm an automation engineer and not admin of Jenkins. Approve every new pipeline for dev|test is overhead.

So I'm using Groovy Sandbox and Jenkins successfully execute pipelines.

But there is no any options/params in .pipeline.config.json in Docs/Inet to run pieline with Groovy Sandbox. If pipeline executes first time there is an error that "Script not yet approved for use". I should open Jenkins UI and mark "Use Groovy Sandbox" in page down. And next executes works successfully,

Is there any options/params to place true to "Use Groovy Sandbox" ? If not, can it be implemented in near future?