tabeyti / jenkins-jack

Jack into your Jenkins to execute Pipeline scripts, provide Pipeline step autocompletions, pull Shared Library step documenation, run console groovy scripts across multiple nodes, and more! Honestly, not that much more.
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Procedure to start editing pipeline unintuitive, suggested addition to documentation #82

Open FrancisVila opened 2 years ago

FrancisVila commented 2 years ago

Here's what I would suggest as an addition to the and/or files, once the connection is established:

To edit an existing pipeline

When jenkins-jack discovers an existing pipeline, it appears as an empty pipeline icon image , meaning that it is not yet ready for interaction. To start editing and testing it, proceed as follows:

  1. Ensure that at least one build of the project has been done.

  2. Right click on the pipeline and select Pull Replay Script image

  3. The plugin requests the number of builds to upload. Unless you want to limit the number to upload (see inline comment), just click Enter image

  4. Select a build in the list image

  5. You are invited to save the file anywhere on your disk

  6. The pipeline icon now appears full, meaning it is ready to use: image

  7. You can use the Open image icon to edit the pipeline. Your changes will be visible in the Jenkins UI after you click the Run image icon