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sql-editor does not work without internet on the client #255

Closed Heyzi closed 2 years ago

Heyzi commented 2 years ago

Version: Tabix ©2022 Version: 22.05.25

Problem: If a user connects from a local network and does not have internet access on his machine, the sql editor will not load(Hangs on loading). If you turn on the Internet to the user - everything starts working.

1 2

Is there any way to solve the problem? is necessary to work in a private network

Heyzi commented 2 years ago

Fixed by adding this

import loader from '@monaco-editor/loader';
import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor';

loader.config({ monaco });
loader.init().then(monacoInstance => { /* ... */ });
И добавил в front/package.json

 "dependencies": {
 "@monaco-editor/loader": "^1.3.2",

to front/app/src/index.tsx


 "dependencies": {
 "@monaco-editor/loader": "^1.3.2",

to front/package.json