tabkit / tabkit2

A great Firefox extension edited from Tab Kit
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Feature Request: Move Group to New Window #140

Open Red-Eagle-LXIX opened 6 years ago

Red-Eagle-LXIX commented 6 years ago

I'd really like a feature to do this natively. Right click a group (as grouped by Tab Kit) and move the whole group to a new window. At the moment shift dragging a group to a new window does not appear to work only moving the first tab (and sometimes losing the rest of the group, sometimes leaving it in the source window) [shift drag within the same window works fine].

My workaround has been to use Session Manager to save the current window Open a tab in a new window Start Session Manager in the new window Load saved session option and select session Unselect all tabs not related to the group Append To Current Window

A very time consuming workaround when you've got a group of 20-30 tabs you want to save out of a few hundred.

Ideally Shift Dragging to new window would work, but an option such as this would be even better as one would not to create the new window one's self. It should work the same as the default 'Move to New Window' but for the whole group not just a single tab.

industriflow commented 6 years ago

I agree this feature would be very useful. Shift-dragging and Ctrl-dragging minimized groups has never worked reliably for me for several years, using all recommended TK2 settings and Classic Theme Restorer, etc.

GWHAYWOOD commented 2 years ago


The issue raised by the OP that sometimes all the tabs in the group which were NOT dragged to the new window has bitten me many times. Does it have its own issue #? If not I will open one. It is very tedious to recover all the closed tabs.

PikachuEXE commented 2 years ago

I can't promise when I will start working on it though This year probably? 😬

GWHAYWOOD commented 2 years ago


GWHAYWOOD commented 1 month ago

This just bit me today, again. As a workaround for not being able to move a group of tabs to a new window natively, I occasionally

(1) move a group of tabs from a window on desktop AB1 to a newly-created window on e.g. desktop AB1;

(2) move the newly-populated window to e.g. desktop AB2 which has an existing browser window on it, one which already contains some tabs;

(3) move all the tabs from the newly-created window to the existing window on desktop AB2.

Today this resulted in about half the tabs in the original tab group vanishing without trace before I had the chance to move them to the newly-created window. :(

Just to let you know that this one still bites. :/

All the same it's still great to have this tool (most of the time, thank you. :)

PikachuEXE commented 1 month ago

Let me see if I can get this started this year, coz I now mostly work on which I use more often

GWHAYWOOD commented 1 month ago


PikachuEXE commented 1 month ago

More than 50% done, copying/moving tabs (in group) to specified window is working Except no idea how to maintain the group tree level/structure after that yet (multi-window handling is rare in existing code...)

PikachuEXE commented 1 month ago

Test version 1 (Backup before install & test)

Use copy to test before using move (only difference is copy doesn't close group in old window, they are both copying tabs)

GWHAYWOOD commented 1 month ago

Quick work, thanks!

Installed a few minutes ago, on restarting Palemoon there were five obvious issues:

  1. Lately I've been running seven windows on separate desktops. My tabs are arranged vertically on the left of a window. On restart, Palemoon normally starts all the windows on top of each other on one desktop, and I have to drag six of them to other desktops before I start work. Very often on restart the tab groups are messed up a little bit - they generally sort themselves out after a collapse/expand on each group - but this time with the latest experimental TabKit2, on the 'top' window only, on restart all the tabs below the currently displayed tab were now grouped into a single group. Tabs in other windows were not regrouped in this way.

  2. Some tabs re-appeared which I had not seen for weeks, again, I think, only on the 'top' window.

  3. The '+' icon on the left of a tab group tab which denotes a collapsed group is missing everywhere, but groups still seem to expand (if you click where the icon is supposed to be) and collapse (with double-click).

  4. Hovering over 'copy group to new window' shows a list of tabs. This is very helpful, but the list does not even vaguely resemble the tabs in the group which I wish to move. Same for 'move'. The list seems to be made up of the tab displayed on each separate window, in my case this is seven totally unrelated tabs.

  5. I have not risked actually trying to use the copy or move features. Given what it's displaying on hover, I have no confidence that it will do anything sane. :/

HOWEVER, after all this, dragging a collapsed group to another window seems to work!

I'd call this progress. :)

If I find anything else interesting I'll keep you posted.

Thanks once again.

GWHAYWOOD commented 1 month ago

Sorry, my numbering is off in the previous message. There were five issues but one of them got lost in editing and I can't now remember it. It was something relatively minor but might have been helpful in debugging. If I remember it I'll post again.

GWHAYWOOD commented 1 month ago

I just noticed that now when I group several tabs from somewhere inside an existing group, the new group no longer splits the original group into two. Instead, the new group is moved to a collapsed tab placed just above the original group. I like this behaviour, please try to keep it. :)

PikachuEXE commented 1 month ago

I suggest testing on a separate profile first to ensure it's not anything caused by existing data/tabs (whatever it means) You can copy some URLs from a few groups and open them in another profile (using a text file as URL buffer?)

I don't have long running multi-window session to test~ (I don't use Palemoon this way)

I like this behaviour, please try to keep it.

I totally not sure what I did but probably won't change it

GWHAYWOOD commented 1 month ago

Ah, the new group isn't always collapsed after moving, but that's OK.

Incidentally there are capital letters on the TabKit menu which I presume are keyboard shortcuts although I've never managed to get any of them to work. "Group tabs from hete to" and "Collapse group" are both given the letter 'T'.

GWHAYWOOD commented 1 month ago

I wish I could edit a post. That should read "Group tabs from here to".

GWHAYWOOD commented 1 month ago

"...You can copy some URLs from a few groups and open them in another profile (using a text file as URL buffer?)..."

I don't understand what you mean. I don't know what a profile is and I don't know how to use a text file as a URL buffer. I can create a text file which contains text taken from a browser window (which I have highlighted with the mouse and then hit CTRL-C to save it in an X clipboard which I can then insert into an edit buffer) if that's anything like what you mean.

PikachuEXE commented 1 month ago

If you are using windows you can download portable without caring about profile If other OS then I gotta see if there is a guide for profile...

Notes for myself: about:profiles

GWHAYWOOD commented 1 month ago

Apart from a few VMs (which have never had browsers installed, and come with multiple issues of their own) we're Linux only here. Mostly Debian Bullseye, gradually transitioning to Bookworm. Bullseye on my desktop.

PikachuEXE commented 1 month ago

You can visit about:profiles (paste in URL bar) to manage profiles


I forgot how to start Palemoon with profile picker though


GWHAYWOOD commented 1 month ago

There seems to be a problem with |"Group tabs from here to..."

Sometimes when I use that facility all the tabs that I'm trying to group vanish, except for the current tab. :(

PikachuEXE commented 4 weeks ago

Separate issue Also please see if you can reproduce with a new profile, hard to fix something that can't be reproduced

GWHAYWOOD commented 4 weeks ago

OK thanks, if it's a separate issue, ignore it for now and I'll look into setting up a new profile. I'm still very hazy about profiles. :/