tablacus / TablacusExplorer

A tabbed file manager with Add-on support
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drag and drop url link from browser #139

Open lazymonkey2 opened 6 years ago

lazymonkey2 commented 6 years ago

Hi, this is my configuration: TE64 18.5.16 Win 10.0.16299 WS 100 Admin IE 11 it_it 96 McAfee VirusScan Enterprise Windows Defender foldersettings,multiprocess,mouse,key,mainmenu,titlebar,tabs,tabplus,statusbar,innerback,innerforward,inneraddressbar,innersearchbar,innerup,innerrefresh,innernewfolder,gridlines,split,undoclosetab,touchex,findfiles,delete,fastlistmode,autoupdate,addonsupdater,flat,filterbutton,favorites,usercss

With tablacus I cannot drag and drop an url link from the browser, to create a .URL file. It works from Windows File Explorer, but not using Tablacus. Thanks.

tablacus commented 6 years ago

What browser do you use? I've tested Chrome, Firefox, Edge and IE.

Best regards,

lazymonkey2 commented 6 years ago

I tested with latest versions of Chrome and Firefox. Maybe I have some addon or option that stops drag and drop? Do you have any suggestions? What should I look for? Thanks.

tablacus commented 6 years ago

How do you drag and drop?

I drag from here. image

And I drop to folder view. image

Best regards,

lazymonkey2 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I drag and drop exactly like you. But after further testing I found the culprit: I run tablacus as Administrator. In this case drag and drop doesn't work! If I run as normal user it works like before. However I need to run as administrator, to fix another issue: I have installed TortoiseSVN, and I cannot see some icon overlays in tablacus (also cannot see in windows file explorer). However if I run tablacus as administrator then I see the icon overlays! Is it possible to fix drag and drop while running as an administrator? Or fix the icon overlays. Thanks.

tablacus commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your information. Unfortunately, it's in the specifications of Windows UAC. Lower-privileged processes can't drag-and-drop to higher-privileged processes.

Please disable User Account Control (UAC) or run Chrome as Administrator.

Best regards,

lazymonkey2 commented 6 years ago

Hello, thanks for investigating this issue. Now I'm using tablacus as a normal user, not administrator, but it doesn't show overlay icons (I will add a separate issue for this). Thanks.