tablacus / TablacusExplorer

A tabbed file manager with Add-on support
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Favorites icons missing in Favorites Bar but not in menu #618

Closed duarteframos closed 1 year ago

duarteframos commented 1 year ago

I've had a bunch of favorites displaying in the Favorites Bar addon for a while without issues, but recently the icons went missing for no apparent reason. Icons are found in their current location and display correctly when opened from the Favorites menu on top, but they wont show in the favorites side bar nor the Favorites edit dialog any more.


Missing icons are .ico format, and locations use relative path with the %X-Finder% variable, other folders with icon derived from desktop.ini in ico format display correctly. Changing path to absolute or icons to other file in PNG format using %X-Finder% also show in Favorites Bar correctly.

Conversely, icons that are derived from desktop.ini and show correctly in the side bar are missing in the menu.

Icon missing in edit dialog Missing2

PNG Shows Missing3

I've made no changes recently other than updating windows, this only seems to happen on my home Windows 10 machine. I use this installation portably on other computers and icons show normally there.

Could some Microsoft update have broken the icon display? I noticed recently that the context menus and highlighting of text boxes in preferences changed visually to look more modern and minimal. Also a dropdow popover started displaying below dialog text boxes with "suggestions" and inout history. Could this change be related to some windows update that broke sime functionality?

TE64 22.6.27 Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H2 (10.0.19044) WebView2/104.0.1293.70 JS/Chakra.dll en_gb 120 AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor Windows Defender

mouse 1.33,key 1.26,mainmenu 1.16,toolbar 1.44,tabplus 1.96,tabgroups 1.45,fixedtabname 1.00,filtericon 1.11,sidetreeview 1.27,download 1.08,extract 1.15,tooltippreview 1.27,extensiontooltip 1.06,sethome 1.04,gohome 1.04,preview 1.46,innerfilterbar 1.34,innerbreadcrumbsaddressbar 1.50,innerback 1.14,innerup 1.10,innerforward 1.16,innersearchbar 1.13,innerrefresh 1.07,flat 1.23,folderlistmenu 1.15,synchronize 1.06,multiprocess 1.37,foldersettings 1.39,sizestatus 1.27,usercss 1.08,favoritesbar 1.42,split 1.26,undoclosetab 1.16,inactivepane 1.11,switchhidden 1.05,switchhiddenfilter 1.03,countbar 1.12,tabdrivename 1.05,checkbox 1.13,disabletreedrop 1.04,titlebar 1.09,xfinder 1.31,pathcolumn 1.02,quickmenu 1.17,clipboardimage 1.01,segoeicons 1.04,addonsupdater 1.10,switchpane 1.05,switchprevpane 1.03

duarteframos commented 1 year ago

Unrelated observation about something else that also broken in my home machine but works elsewhere. I had a toolbar button that opened Folder Settings addon options with JScript AddonOptions("foldersettings").

This also seems to have stopped working, but still works correctly in my work computer

duarteframos commented 1 year ago

These are what I meant by the new context menu visuals and suggestions popover menu. Had not noticed these before, not sure these are windows related or part of a Tablacus update itself

20220913_194651 20220913_194710


Ok, definitely some Tablacus update broke this, I reverted back to version TE64 22.6.11 and Icons are back.

I also noticed that in recent versions VBScript for conditional open with broke as well, it sais it cant find FSO.

pg = "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AcShellEx\AcLauncher.exe"
if fso.FileExists(pg) then
  wsh.Run PathQuoteSpaces(pg) + ExtractMacro(te, " %Selected%")
  wsh.Run PathQuoteSpaces(BuildPath(GetParentFolderName(te.Data.Installed), "GStarCAD\GstarCAD_Portable.bat")) + ExtractMacro(te, " %Selected%")
end if
duarteframos commented 1 year ago

Did a fresh install and manually ported my settings, this seems to be solved