tablacus / TablacusExplorer

A tabbed file manager with Add-on support
MIT License
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mouse gesture(copy full path script),search function,Properties tooltip,list setting,show hidden files setting,hidefileext setting... #79

Open liuzhaoyzz opened 7 years ago

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

Problem to be solved:(baidu translate) search plug-in function is very weak. 1、Plug 【find files】 will pop up a dialog box, find the speed is very slow. 2、The 【Inner search bar】 and 【Search bar】 plug-in, these two plug-ins do not support fuzzy search, for example, to find the F:\TablacusExplorer directory, you need to enter the ★Tablacus★ such that wildcard. 3、If the use of the 【Everything】 plug-ins, you also need to download everything.exe in the TablacusExplorer\te170307\addons\everything\ directory, and the search results will not only present tab,it will search all disks; search records cannot be saved.

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

It seems "FV.Refresh();" has a bug,sometimes you must press {ENTER} KEY manually to refresh FolderView's Tabs entirely.for example: When the file extension is showed,the [2RD] mouse gesture must run and press {ENTER} KEY manually.Otherwise some files will show extension,some files will not show extension. (Their file extension is already associated with the right application such as .txt,.rar) FV.Refresh() can't refresh the tab completely.

tablacus commented 7 years ago

There is no problem with my XP.

"FV.Refresh();" is only call IShellView::Refresh method.


var regpath="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced\\HideFileExt";
if (wsh.RegRead(regpath) == 0) {
    wsh.RegWrite(regpath,"1", "REG_DWORD");
} else {
    wsh.RegWrite(regpath,"0", "REG_DWORD");
var FV = GetFolderView(Ctrl, pt);

Best regards,

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

Probably it matters with various system and environment. How about show/not show hidden files Script,is it hard to realize?

Best regards,

tablacus commented 7 years ago

There is no report from other than you. It is a lack of information.

Show/not show hidden files Script

var FV = GetFolderView(Ctrl, pt);
FV.ViewFlags ^= 1;

2 Best regards,

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

I have already show the screenshot picture,Maybe you didn't notice.You can look up the history. show/not show hidden files function work like below: 隐藏受保护的文件系统=Hide protected file system,doesn't matter 不显示隐藏的文件和文件夹=Do not show hidden files and folders,TE will work 显示所有文件和文件夹=Show all files and folders ,TE will NOT work。 b1de5ab0-09d1-11e7-8a29-d3b16c29b969

And the script above works when the windows explorer's option=Do not show hidden files and folders I'm sorry that I don't know what information others do you need?

tablacus commented 7 years ago

17.3.27 released. Please try it.

Best regards,

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

Very,very good job! TE32 17.3.27 Win 5.1.2600 WS 100 Admin IE 8 zh_cn show/not show hidden files Is effective!whether the windows explorer's option changes or not! I disable the [2U] mouse gesture in the addon "Up button".and set [2U] mouse gesture:list as js script,it works very well.

var FV = GetFolderView(Ctrl, pt); FV.ViewFlags ^= 1; FV.Refresh();

And by the way,HideFileExt.js works very well as [2RD] mouse gesture:list. //HideFileExt.js var WSHShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var regpath="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\HideFileExt"; if (WSHShell.RegRead(regpath)== 0) { WSHShell.RegWrite(regpath,"1", "REG_DWORD"); } else { WSHShell.RegWrite(regpath,"0", "REG_DWORD"); }; var FV = GetFolderView(Ctrl, pt); FV.Refresh();

Thank you!

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

How about support subfolders search in the addon "search bar" or "filter bar"? I am looking forward to your update in the future.

Best regards,

tablacus commented 7 years ago

It is difficult because the search API does not work in Windows XP.

Thank you,

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

OK, I see. You have made a lot of improvements in TE,thank you.

tablacus commented 7 years ago

My pleasure,

washere commented 6 years ago

It was not working for me, not showing hidden folders & files, eg: folder C:\ProgramData

This is how I fixed it.

Thanks for the great app :)

liuzhaoyzz commented 5 years ago

TE181009 IE8 WIN7X64 zh-zn The add-on serach bar, C:\Program Files (x86),when I search mapi,I found nothing。 When I search with mapi,I found 4 files. Why TE MUST used with ? 0-file


liuzhaoyzz commented 5 years ago

TE has a lot of add-on,why not add most of the add-on in TE181009.ZIP? It is hard to download the add-on one by one. And enable the add-on offten used in the config file,disable the other.

tablacus commented 5 years ago
  1. About search specification I'm not sure the detailed specification of the search. It's Microsoft's specification.

  2. About add-ons It's the same as Chrome and Firefox.


liuzhaoyzz commented 5 years ago

How about add automatically before and after the serach key words? An old version (maybe te171011) don't need to search,but TE181009 need * again.

tablacus commented 5 years ago

I have tried it on Tablacus Explorer 17.10.11 but the result was the same.
