tablacus / TablacusExplorerAddons

Add-ons for Tablacus Explorer
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Total file size sort is no longer working correctly #340

Open CollinChaffin opened 2 years ago

CollinChaffin commented 2 years ago

Somewhere recent (I was a few versions behind but I've updated TE and addons) the "total file size" column not only does not refresh correctly (have to go into a folder, then back out and then it fills in) but it used to show a status window when sorting on total file size, now the refresh is broken and no matter how long I wait it never resorts by total file size.

EDIT: So here is the issue. If because of the refresh issue of having to traverse into at least one folder in the list and then back out to get the sizes to compute, if you have a reparse point (junction) folder, they will be the only ones to NOT refresh upon traversing once and backing out. Only if you traverse then a second time into any junction folders, and back out, then they too compute size and finally the column sort will work. So the issue here is refresh, and I installed and enabled the "force refresh" and checked all the boxes like "upon delete" etc. but then the only other option is to add a specific folder into "filtered" and I obviously can't add every folder on my system, and if it only does anything upon the checkbox actions like create/delete/drag etc. then it obviously isn't forcing a refresh when simply VIEWING a folder - so it can't help with this issue.

ccfs commented 2 years ago

I think the actual problem is about REFRESH.

TE will UPDATE a file list upon any change. But the update is limited to built-in columns such as Size and Date Modified. "Total file size" is NOT such a column. And the update does NOT including RE-SORTING.

To make sure a file list is latest (both contents and sorting), you need to REFRESH it, e.g. by pressing F5 key. "Force refresh" helps to refresh automatically in 2 ways: (1) When you SWITCH tabs - "Tabs" options (2) When you OPERATE on opened tabs - "General" options

VIEWING a folder is NOT one of the 2 ways.

Therefore the current workaround is either one: (a) Manual refresh, e.g. pressing F5 key (b) Switch to another tab and then back (enable way 1 of "Force refresh" by putting * in "Filter" of "Tabs" option)

To actually solve the problem, I suggest enhancing way 2 of "Force refresh" by adding a "Refresh ascenders" option: Any ascender folder will be automatically refreshed if it is opened in a tab.


ccfs commented 2 years ago

An alternative solution is to enhance "Total file size sort" add-on by adding an "Auto refresh" option: The add-on will monitor all file operations in a folder (and its sub-folders) with "Total file size" column showing. If an operation has caused a change of "Total file size", the file list will be refreshed.