tableau / VizAlerts

Data-driven alerting for Tableau Server
MIT License
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Helpme Unable to process alert PDF Merge as csv, error: Alert was triggered, but encountered a failure getting data/image references: Unable to render content reference #171

Closed AngelCastillo15 closed 3 years ago

AngelCastillo15 commented 3 years ago

The following errors were encountered trying to process your alert:

General errors:

Unable to render content reference VIZ_PDF(ControldeContenedoresRefrigeradosEspecialesenPatio0600/Lista|filename=SCReefers|mergepdf) with error: Timeout error. Could not retrieve vizdata from url within 300 seconds, after 2 tries

Unable to process alert PDF Merge as csv, error: Alert was triggered, but encountered a failure getting data/image references: Unable to render content reference VIZ_PDF(ControldeContenedoresRefrigeradosEspecialesenPatio0600/Lista|filename=SCReefers|mergepdf) with error: Timeout error. Could not retrieve vizdata from url within 300 seconds, after 2 tries

mcoles commented 3 years ago

Please see issue #177 , as the remedy will be the same.