tableau / document-api-python

Create and modify Tableau workbook and datasource files
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Bugfix for Schema Change: Support for Relations and Objects #237

Open VERSALYTIX opened 2 years ago

VERSALYTIX commented 2 years ago

We are seeing the Documents API 0.10 change the Schema within the connection control (in Tableau Desktop, the grey connection pane and in XML, the connection layer), but we are not seeing this change propagate the relations and object (the "wrapper" for the noodle and the enclosed table in Desktop on the white data canvas or the relation connection and objects within XML (snippet to follow in comment). Without all 4 (1 connection control, 2 relations (true and false) and object) changes, the schema will not deploy.


<connection authentication='Username Password' class='redacted' dbname='DB' odbc-connect-string-extras='' one-time-sql='' schema='CHANGE_SCHEMA_HERE' server='redacted' server-oauth='' service='' username='UN' warehouse='WH' workgroup-auth-mode='prompt' />

Relations (for both current and prior version compatibility)

<_.fcp.ObjectModelEncapsulateLegacy.false...relation connection='redacted' name='TABLE' table='[CHANGE_SCHEMA_HERE].[TABLE]' type='table' />
<_.fcp.ObjectModelEncapsulateLegacy.true...relation connection='redacted' name='TABLE' table='[CHANGE_SCHEMA_HERE].[TABLE]' type='table' />
        <refresh increment-key='' incremental-updates='false' />


<relation connection='redacted' name='TABLE' table='[CHANGE_SCHEMA_HERE].[TABLE]' type='table' />

Variations When using a relation, the tags are further nested in the XML under a collection type:

<_.fcp.ObjectModelEncapsulateLegacy.true...relation type='collection'>
          <relation connection='redacted' name='TABLE' table='[CHANGE_SCHEMA_HERE].[TABLE]' type='table' />
          <relation connection='REDACTED' name='TABLE_2' table='[CHANGE_SCHEMA_HERE].[TABLE_2]' type='table' />
illonage commented 2 years ago

We have logged it as a defect internally. For future reference: [DEFECT 1442666]