tableflip / how-to

:question: How to TABLEFLIP and other stories
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How to Gouce #15

Open bmordan opened 8 years ago

bmordan commented 8 years ago

1.install gource using HomeBrew

$ brew install gource

2.install avconv

git clone git:// cd libav

it will take 3-5 minutes to complie, be patient.

./configure --disable-yasm make && make install

3.generate a video for you repo.

$ cd your_repo_dir $ gource -s .06 -1280x720 --auto-skip-seconds .1 --multi-sampling --stop-at-end --key --highlight-users --hide mouse,progress --file-idle-time 0 --max-files 0 --background-colour 000000 --font-size 22 --title "TABELFLIP Ltd" --output-ppm-stream - --output-framerate 30 | avconv -y -r 30 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -b 65536K gource-visulisation.mp4

It's Done! Just share the video with your teammates, Have fun!