Closed MnaveedS closed 5 years ago
same issue I using RN 0.59.0 and recently installed version 2.0.0 of this package. It's not woking
Please send a PR to fix
Added a Pull Request With a Fix
The Problem was that the componentWillRecieveProps()
was not executing, adding a componentDidMount()
fixed it
Replace this below code with SelectMultiple.js file
import React, { Component } from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import { View, ListView, Text, TouchableWithoutFeedback, Image } from "react-native"; import styles from "./SelectMultiple.styles"; import checkbox from "../images/icon-checkbox.png"; import checkboxChecked from "../images/icon-checkbox-checked.png"; import { mergeStyles } from "./style";
const itemType = PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.string, PropTypes.shape({ label: PropTypes.any, value: PropTypes.any }) ]);
const styleType = PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.object, PropTypes.number, PropTypes.array ]);
const sourceType = PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.number]);
// A customiseable ListView that allows you to select multiple rows export default class SelectMultiple extends Component { static propTypes = { items: PropTypes.arrayOf(itemType).isRequired, selectedItems: PropTypes.arrayOf(itemType),
onSelectionsChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
checkboxSource: sourceType,
selectedCheckboxSource: sourceType,
renderLabel: PropTypes.func,
listViewProps: PropTypes.any,
style: styleType,
rowStyle: styleType,
checkboxStyle: styleType,
labelStyle: styleType,
selectedRowStyle: styleType,
selectedCheckboxStyle: styleType,
selectedLabelStyle: styleType
static defaultProps = { selectedItems: [], style: {}, rowStyle: {}, checkboxStyle: {}, checkboxCheckedStyle: {}, labelStyle: {}, checkboxSource: checkbox, selectedCheckboxSource: checkboxChecked, renderLabel: null };
constructor(props) { super(props);
const rows = this.getRowData(props);
const dataSource = new ListView.DataSource({
rowHasChanged: (r1, r2) =>
r1.value !== r2.value || r1.selected !== r2.selected
this.state = { dataSource };
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const rows = this.getRowData(nextProps); const dataSource = this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(rows); this.setState({ dataSource }); }
getRowData({ items, selectedItems }) { items =; selectedItems = (selectedItems || []).map(this.toLabelValueObject);
items.forEach(item => {
item.selected = selectedItems.some(i => i.value === item.value);
return items;
onRowPress(row) { const { label, value } = row; let { selectedItems } = this.props;
selectedItems = (selectedItems || []).map(this.toLabelValueObject);
const index = selectedItems.findIndex(
selectedItem => selectedItem.value === value
if (index > -1) {
selectedItems = selectedItems.filter(
selectedItem => selectedItem.value !== value
} else {
selectedItems = selectedItems.concat({ label, value });
this.props.onSelectionsChange(selectedItems, { label, value });
toLabelValueObject(obj) { if ( === "[object String]") { return { label: obj, value: obj }; } else { return { label: obj.label, value: obj.value }; } }
render() { const { dataSource } = this.state; const { style, listViewProps } = this.props; const { renderItemRow } = this; return ( <ListView style={style} dataSource={dataSource} renderRow={renderItemRow} {...(listViewProps || {})} /> ); }
renderLabel = (label, style, selected) => {
if (this.props.renderLabel) {
return this.props.renderLabel(label, style, selected);
renderItemRow = row => { let { checkboxSource, rowStyle, labelStyle, checkboxStyle } = this.props;
const {
} = this.props;
if (row.selected) {
checkboxSource = selectedCheckboxSource;
rowStyle = mergeStyles(styles.row, rowStyle, selectedRowStyle);
checkboxStyle = mergeStyles(
labelStyle = mergeStyles(styles.label, labelStyle, selectedLabelStyle);
} else {
rowStyle = mergeStyles(styles.row, rowStyle);
checkboxStyle = mergeStyles(styles.checkbox, checkboxStyle);
labelStyle = mergeStyles(styles.label, labelStyle);
return (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => this.onRowPress(row)}>
<View style={rowStyle}>
<Image style={checkboxStyle} source={checkboxSource} />
{this.renderLabel(row.label, labelStyle, row.selected)}
}; }
I am using RN version 0.58.5, and recently installed version 2.0.0 of this package, but cannot get the list rendered, I have followed the documentation, the previous version works fine, but the version 2.0.0 doesn't show anything. any suggestion on what i am doing wrong,
and the dataset is in the label,value type like so,