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Add tags for subject experience and tutoring experience #5

Closed olizilla closed 10 years ago

olizilla commented 10 years ago

Add semi free-form tag input somewhat like linked ins "experience" section. Allow any text, but use typeahead autocomplete to suggest existing tags.

alanshaw commented 10 years ago







Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8



PGCE Secondary PGCE Primary QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) Teach First GTP (Graduate Training Programme) Student Mentor School Mentor Teaching Assistant School Direct UKCC Early years Primary Secondary KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 SATS GCSE AS-level A-level Common Entrance Undergraduate Postgraduate Beginner level Intermediate level Advanced level Young learners Adult learners All ages

aleximakris commented 10 years ago

Am creating a s/s with all this data on. Taking a while as am having to do it manually. Here is what I have so far:

Subject Quals:

A-level Accounting A-level Art and Design A-level Biology A-level Business A-level Chemistry A-level Human Biology A-level Business A-level Business Studies A-level Chemistry A-level Hebrew A-level Classics A-level Ancient History A-level Classical Civilisation A-level Greek A-level Classical Greek A-level Latin A-level Computing A-level Computer Science A-level Critical Thinking A-level Design & Technology A-level Economics A-level Electronics A-level English A-level English Language A-level English Literature A-level Food Technology A-level Hope Economics A-level General Studies A-level Geography A-level Politics A-level Government and Politics A-level Health and Social Care A-level History A-level Humanities A-level Computing A-level ICT A-level Dutch A-level French A-level German A-level Gujurati A-level Persian A-level Portuguese A-level Spanish A-level Turkish A-level Italian A-level Law A-level Maths A-level Further Maths A-level Quantitative Methods A-level Statistics A-level Film Studies A-level Media Studies A-level Music A-level Performance Studies A-level Performing Arts A-level Physics A-level Psychology A-level Religious Studies A-level Geology A-level Humanities A-level Sociology A-level Leisure Studies A-level Physical Education A-level Travel and Tourism GCSE BA Bacc BAE Barch BASc BAppSc BBA Bcom Bcoun BD Bdes BDS BChD Becon Bed Beng BFA Bfin BHSc Blitt BMSc BMedSc BMSc Bmus Bnurs Bpharm Bphys Bphil BSc LLB MB BS MA MSc Meng

Tutoring experience tags:

PGCE Secondary PGCE Primary Qualified Teacher Status QTS Teach First GTP Graduate Teacher Programme Student Mentor School Mentor Teaching Assistant School Direct UKCC Group Tutoring Private Tutoring Early years Tutoring Primary Secondary KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 SATs GCSE AS-level A-level Common Entrance Undergraduate Postgraduate Beginner level Intermediate level Advanced level Young learners Adult learners All Ages 1 Year Tutoring 2 Years Tutoring 3 Years Tutoring 4 Years Tutoring 5 Years Tutoring 6 Years Tutoring 7 Years Tutoring 8 Years Tutoring 9 Years Tutoring 10 Years Tutoring 11 Years Tutoring 12 Years Tutoring 13 Years Tutoring 14 Years Tutoring 15 Years Tutoring 16 Years Tutoring 17 Years Tutoring 18 Years Tutoring 19 Years Tutoring 20 Years Tutoring

aleximakris commented 10 years ago

Is it useful to have the subject quals broken down into groups relevant to the subject the tutor has stated?

alanshaw commented 10 years ago


aleximakris commented 10 years ago

See tab 2 of Tuition Subjects xls in:

Sample qualifications for all academic subjects

alanshaw commented 10 years ago

Added and deployed as v0.0.2