taboca / TelaSocial

Social Dashboard Browser Player for Television Panels - Linux based, Gecko-based
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Orchestrator Supervisor 0.1 #13

Open taboca opened 13 years ago

taboca commented 13 years ago

We need to land a solution that can keep track of events using HTTP/URL channels. This may involve:

1) Channel Registration and Management ( version 0.1 with no UI ) 2) Channel Loader Accounting
2.1) Processing of Events that can do Widgets Governance ( inserting, removing ) 2.2) Session Management -- we need to keep track of events executed and incoming/running events so that when the system crashes we know how to recover. 2.3) From this, we may open a door to remote monitoring, logs etc

We may need a solution which scales over time. For example the ability for a widget to register more events -- we have to think this a bit, maybe land first, test and kill the feature later if it is too overboard and in case it's not a hassle to implement. A case would be

Channel 1 { domain-apply: "selector: html body; channel-url: processor: reload(10secs); }

This model allows the commands from channel-url to do many sorts of mutation to the scope of the document under the html body table td. However normally html body is not a document, so here we have an open discussion. We are simply treating these as if they were sepeated documents for now, as an exercise. In a way this model is a solution that can assocated remote DOM events to certain nodes in a given DOM tree.

taboca commented 11 years ago

The system needs to accept events (coming from the local or remote resources) that can cause IFRAME insertions in the DOM. Today, we have a /lib/choreographer.js function called "register" and it's a simplified proposal of that model which was originally designed with an idea — to track the loading of components.

Since we have more dynamic use cases, we need to have a more dynamic way to add/remove components over time — some of the needed features:

Use cae:

We have a document with the following structute

|  a  |  b |   

Into b, we load a comonent B1 which is a calendar ; After certain time the calendar requests to be expanded; This is done via the calendar simply saying its' desired size to the parent. If the parent has a rule, let's say "recalculate based in flex weights" then it does the job — so for example the grid is resized to the following:

| a |    b   |   

After a given time the B will be replaced with a new component, A. But we do not want to insert this new component C into the current B state / size, we may want to insert into the prior sizing for b, so first we may need to recreate the state of grid:

|  a  |  b |   

Then to make the insertion:

|  a  |  C|   