taboca / TelaSocial

Social Dashboard Browser Player for Television Panels - Linux based, Gecko-based
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Supervisor to browser default behavior ( popups, windows, errors ) #23

Closed taboca closed 11 years ago

taboca commented 12 years ago

We need to control some of the behaviors of Gecko, for example unexpected popups that may appear due to errors or implementation owned by 3rd-party components. This may be a set of scripts with the main goals being:

Ref: pt-br REf

taboca commented 12 years ago

Discussion initiated in B2G:

Hi all,

My case comes from a project that is not related to a standard desktop browser ( = I work in kiosk/dashboard project[1] .) And being B2G/Gaia an experience different of the traditional browser, I think the case may apply here, perhaps under UX discussion.


Today in Firefox there are many conditions that will make Gecko to launch a popup panel. Many cases are found in netError.xhtml.

The scenario:

A full screen app ( = a dashboard with widgets ) has one or more inner widgets ( = iframes with superpowers .) All runs fine to the point that the origin of one of the widget/iframe has, for example, DNS issues. With that, today with Gecko/XULRunner, a traditional alert dialog box will show up with the error loaded in it. In the source code the actual content source is [2] based in my observation and searches.

So, my question ( = or search for interested parties ) is how is our B2G/Gaia story in terms of all these ( = inherited from Firefox ) popups generated by Gecko. Are there any designs in place, or documentation to revisit how these are to appear or processed? and how important you think this discussion is or do you see scenarios or problems users may have? or perhaps opportunities for improvements in terms of quality for apps/market.

To add a bit of graphic detail to this, think your cellphone with B2G with some widgets:

+-------+ |clock | +-------+ |weather| +-------+ |1,2,3 | +-------+

1,2,3 = icons weather = inline HTML from remote location clock = local HTML JS

Case: tomorrow the weather will fail in DNS timeout

Possible questions:

1) what to expect for an end-user? popup? error inline in the iframe? 2) should a database / log system maintain a list of the errors for each app? 3) should the user have a way ( advanced or managed ) to check the errors? 4) will widget/app provider eventually, or Mozilla, be notified of these timeouts or errors?


[1] I work in a kiosk/dashboard system based in Gecko. The dashboard is an example of a managed web app ( think standard web app ) but since it deals with 3rd-party content then it becomes a case more similar to a managed browser element. This means new needs for browser control — for example I have to keep watching Gecko memory use and I kill the process in some conditions. If, for example, a 3rd-party widget loads a heavy flash, I have to be able to get out of that situation and signal log systems and so on.


taboca commented 11 years ago

FIxed with the netError.xhtml override in the TelaSocial Chrome app