tabu-issues-for-future-maintainer / tabu

Emergency updates to the LaTeX tabu package
39 stars 17 forks source link

Xcolor problem #1

Open bonanza123 opened 5 years ago

bonanza123 commented 5 years ago

I still seem to have troubles with xcolor in my case.

compiling twice (I guess when the glossar should pop up for the first time) I get a lot of

Using TeX to sort glossary entries---this may take a while
! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.23 \printnoidxglossaries

Removing xcolor seems to fix it. Here my code:


\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={the spades}]{4spades}{\ensuremath{\spadesuit}}% symbol

    \begin{tabu} to \linewidth {XX}
        bla & blubb \gls{4spades}


EDIT: The report from above is with the latest ctan version of all my packages. Most importantly, here a piece from the log

Package: tabu 2019/01/11 v2.9 - flexible LaTeX tabulars (FC+tabu-fixed)
davidcarlisle commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the clear test file, I can reproduce the problem, we will see what we can do.... (mis-matched group errors were the "expected" failures which caused us to set up this repository but tabu is a big package and finding all the places it needs updating is tricky so test cases like this are very helpful)

bonanza123 commented 5 years ago

@davidcarlisle Thanks so much for your reply. I would like to take a shortcut until the problem is solved in tabu by downgrading the required packages. Do you have a good guess which packages could be actual reason for this problem?

In 2019 (I gues since then I have the problem), I have downloaded upgrades for the following packages:

tlmgr restore | grep "2019"
acmart: 49137 (2019-01-17 08:25)
adjustbox: 47405 (2019-01-17 08:25)
arydshln: 48817 (2019-01-17 08:25)
autosp: 47198 (2019-01-17 08:25)
axessibility: 48179 (2019-01-17 08:25)
babel-hungarian: 45186 (2019-01-17 08:25)
babel-italian: 36645 (2019-01-17 08:25)
babel-serbianc: 30348 (2019-01-17 08:25)
biblatex-ext: 49255 (2019-01-17 08:25)
bibleref: 49334 (2019-01-17 08:25)
bnumexpr: 46002 (2019-01-17 08:25)
brandeis-problemset: 48989 (2019-01-17 08:25)
bxjscls: 48823 (2019-01-17 08:25)
calxxxx-yyyy: 46198 (2019-01-17 08:25)
changelog: 49100 (2019-01-17 08:25)
childdoc: 46357 (2019-01-17 08:25)
clrstrip: 48778 (2019-01-17 08:25)
cmsrb: 46588 (2019-01-17 08:25)
collection-langfrench: 40375 (2019-01-17 08:31)
collection-latexextra: 49451 (2019-01-17 08:31)
collection-mathscience: 49457 (2019-01-17 08:31)
collection-music: 48102 (2019-01-17 08:31)
collection-publishers: 49463 (2019-01-17 08:31)
collection-xetex: 48417 (2019-01-17 08:31)
countriesofeurope: 26042 (2019-01-17 08:25)
crimsonpro: 49478 (2019-01-17 08:25)
crossreftools: 47012 (2019-01-17 08:25)
csbulletin: 43277 (2019-01-17 08:25)
delimset: 46359 (2019-01-17 08:25)
diffcoeff: 49335 (2019-01-17 08:25)
dtxdescribe: 47191 (2019-01-17 08:25)
dtxgallery: 15878 (2019-01-17 08:25)
ducksay: 48946 (2019-01-17 08:26)
dvipdfmx: 48653 (2019-01-17 08:26)
dvips: 47198 (2019-01-17 08:26)
e-french: 45091 (2019-01-17 08:26)
ekaia: 42578 (2019-01-17 08:26)
elsarticle: 48134 (2019-01-17 08:26)
enumitem: 49282 (2019-01-17 08:26)
erewhon: 43506 (2019-01-17 08:26)
europasscv: 45878 (2019-01-17 08:26)
fancyvrb: 49203 (2019-01-17 08:26)
fixme: 43413 (2019-01-17 08:26)
fontspec: 48320 (2019-01-17 08:26)
fp: 15878 (2019-01-17 08:26)
fpl: 15878 (2019-01-17 08:26)
glossaries: 48258 (2019-01-17 08:26)
gobble: 40936 (2019-01-17 08:26)
grabbox: 49274 (2019-01-17 08:26)
gtl: 47304 (2019-01-17 08:26)
jlreq: 49375 (2019-01-17 08:26)
ketcindy: 49309 (2019-01-17 08:26)
keyfloat: 44306 (2019-01-17 08:26)
koma-script: 47249 (2019-01-17 08:27)
l3kernel: 49405 (2019-01-17 08:27)
latexbug: 45559 (2019-01-17 08:27)
libertinus-otf: 49197 (2019-01-17 08:27)
lipsum: 49241 (2019-01-17 08:27)
lstfiracode: 49462 (2019-01-17 08:27)
lua-visual-debug: 41387 (2019-01-17 08:27)
luatex: 47235 (2019-01-17 08:27)
luatexja: 49067 (2019-01-17 08:27)
luaxml: 49055 (2019-01-17 08:27)
make4ht: 48477 (2019-01-17 08:27)
mandi: 47150 (2019-01-17 08:27)
manyind: 47574 (2019-01-17 08:27)
mathfixs: 46365 (2019-01-17 08:27)
mcf2graph: 49129 (2019-01-17 08:27)
media9: 47957 (2019-01-17 08:27)
morewrites: 47306 (2019-01-17 08:27)
mpostinl: 46778 (2019-01-17 08:27)
msg: 15878 (2019-01-17 08:27)
multicolrule: 49480 (2019-01-17 08:28)
multirow: 48354 (2019-01-17 08:28)
nomencl: 15878 (2019-01-17 08:28)
noto: 46687 (2019-01-17 08:28)
ocgx2: 48801 (2019-01-17 08:28)
paracol: 47750 (2019-01-17 08:28)
parskip: 48650 (2019-01-17 08:28)
pgf: 44231 (2019-01-17 08:28)
platexcheat: 45962 (2019-01-17 08:28)
plex: 48332 (2019-01-17 08:28)
pst-eucl: 49386 (2019-01-17 08:29)
pst-lsystem: 48762 (2019-01-17 08:29)
pst-solides3d: 45113 (2019-01-17 08:29)
pst-text: 49477 (2019-01-17 08:29)
pstricks: 49486 (2019-01-17 08:29)
pstricks-add: 49360 (2019-01-17 08:29)
quran: 49275 (2019-01-17 08:29)
randomwalk: 45954 (2019-01-17 08:29)
register: 49121 (2019-01-17 08:29)
reledmac: 49481 (2019-01-17 08:29)
resphilosophica: 46713 (2019-01-17 08:29)
revtex: 19652 (2019-01-17 08:29)
schwalbe-chess: 48356 (2019-01-17 08:29)
skmath: 42902 (2019-01-17 08:29)
skrapport: 45304 (2019-01-17 08:29)
srdp-mathematik: 49122 (2019-01-17 08:29)
systeme: 46184 (2019-01-17 08:29)
tabu: 21534 (2019-01-17 08:29)
tagpdf: 48366 (2019-01-17 08:30)
tetex: 48621 (2019-01-17 08:30)
tex4ebook: 47672 (2019-01-17 08:30)
tex4ht: 49464 (2019-01-17 08:30)
texlive-docindex: 49490 (2019-01-17 08:30)
texlive-msg-translations: 49357 (2019-01-17 08:30)
texlive-scripts: 49490 (2019-01-17 08:30)
tocdata: 42623 (2019-01-17 08:30)
tools: 49390 (2019-01-17 08:30)
typed-checklist: 49066 (2019-01-17 08:30)
univie-ling: 49101 (2019-01-17 08:30)
unravel: 47308 (2019-01-17 08:30)
updmap-map: 48621 (2019-01-17 08:30)
witharrows: 49257 (2019-01-17 08:31)
xassoccnt: 47976 (2019-01-17 08:31)
xindex: 49332 (2019-01-17 08:31)
xint: 48040 (2019-01-17 08:31)
xltxtra: 39453 (2019-01-17 08:31
hpreusse commented 5 years ago

I have a similar problem, here is my MWE:


a & C / C++  & bbb  & ccc  & ddd & eee   \\

As soon as one removes the call to color the compilation works OK. Interestingly downgrading tabu to v2.8 does not solve my problem. Nevertheless I tend to say that the issue is in the tabu package.


albert-github commented 5 years ago

Any progress on this issue? Multiple project run into problems (e.g.

wahspilihp commented 5 years ago

Version 2.9 seems to fix the xcolor conflict for fixed width (positive coefficient) columns, but not for flexible width (negative coefficient) columns.

assignUser commented 5 years ago

I have a similar issue where the row colors are not showing up at all. I just updated all my packages from ctan and (due to other errors i wanted to fix). Before the alternating row colors worked (but tabu nesting did not). Now the nesting errors are gone but so are the colors. I also tried it with the 2.10 release straight from github.



    \taburowcolors 2{green .. red}
            \textcolor{green}{Test}& Test & Test\\
            Test& Test & Test \\
            Test& Test & \textcolor{red}{Test} \\
albert-github commented 5 years ago

Any reason why on CTAN version 2.10 is not present? (I still see: Version 2.9 2019-01-11)

davidcarlisle commented 5 years ago

@albert-github I had just submitted 2.10 to ctan but before they had unpacked it several more issues got posted here which suggested that 2.10 may have made some things worse as well as fixing some things, so I asked them to cancel the update. I haven't had time to look at tabu in the last couple of weeks so things are as they are, sorry. I set up this github so issues can be tracked and updates suggested, I can also do some fixes myself as time allows but I can't promise any fixed schedule. the original author posted as far back as 2011 that the package was unsupported.

albert-github commented 5 years ago

@davidcarlisle Thanks for the information, I know time is limited and I do appreciate the effort you and others put into the tabu package.

DigNative commented 5 years ago

I am experiencing a similar issue with the following MWE:



        \begin{tabu} spread 0mm {X}
            X \\


Since I am operating a CTAN mirror with daily snapshots of the entire repository contents since some years, I could trace the problem down to an incompatible change of the tools package between December 11 and 12, 2018. Downgrading this package on a TeX Live 2018 installation using a CTAN snapshot before January 15, 2019 solves all issues for me.

I could figure out that the problems seem to be related to changes in array.sty. However, I noticed that the update of tabu published around January 15, 2019 again causes similar issues which cannot be resolved by simply downgrading tools anymore. If I downgrade both tools and tabu on an up-to-date (current state of CTAN as of today) TeX Live installation, all issues are solved for me.

That suggests the assumption that the tabu emergency fixes create additional issues.

Intermediate Workaround

The following is just an intermediate workaround, which solved the issue at least for my documents. I don't claim that this is a permanent fix, but it might allow to continue work on documents until proper fixes for tabu are available. Probably there are other incompatibilities/issues of tabu with other packages for your use case, so there is no guarantee that this will also solve these problems.

The versions of the tools and tabu packages, which work for me with a most recent installation of both of TeX Live and MiKTeX, can be downloaded from my historical archives:

For TeX Live:

  1. Download the two packages from the links above.
  2. Execute:
    • tlmgr install --reinstall --file tools.tar.xz
    • tlmgr install --reinstall --file tabu.tar.xz

For MiKTeX:

  1. Download the two packages from the links above.
  2. Extract the contents of the archives. After extraction, there will be a folder texmf with subfolders like doc, source, etc.
  3. Open your MiKTeX installation directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\MiKTeX). You should see subfolders with the same name there. Move the subfolders to the MiKTeX installation directory, overwriting existing files.
  4. Open the MiKTeX Console with administrator permissions. Refresh the file name database by selecting "Tasks" > "Refresh file name database" from the menu.
jhanschoo commented 5 years ago

I'd just like to put a smaller MWE.




Comment the xcolor import out to see it compile.

mirabilos commented 5 years ago

Another testcase (from




\begin{longtabu} spread 0pt {llX}
    a & b & c\\


It also breaks if you replace xcolor with just color. The triggering point is using spread 0pt instead of to \linewidth.

Another testcase (from Debian #920459):




\begin{longtabu} spread 0pt [c]{*{2}{|X[-1]}|}
{ Cost Function Network Solver }&toulbar2 \\\cline{1-2}
{ Copyright }&toulbar2 team \\\cline{1-2}
{ Source }&{} \\\cline{1-2}


This one also breaks with color. It also breaks with…

\begin{longtabu} to \linewidth [c]{*{2}{|X[-1]}|}

… because, here, the triggering point is negative X coefficient.

I believe I have a fix for this, because all those examples work with it. I’m a bit scared of breaking anything currently working, though, so immediate review would be massively welcome.

vladimiroff commented 5 years ago

Not sure if that helps, but this issue is reproducible when using colortbl as well.

FrankMittelbach commented 5 years ago

@vladimiroff colortbl loads color thus it shows the problems caused by color (but those should now be mended with the code already in the repository). However, there are additional issues with colortbl (because the fix so far doesn't take into account changes made by that package to array package internals) and those still need to be addressed, e.g. #4, #11, #13.

muzimuzhi commented 5 years ago

And here is another group of test cases, which

%% Comment "xcolor" line then error "Missing } inserted" disappears.
%% Loading "color" instead of "xcolor" raises the same error.

% alright

% alright
\begin{tabu} spread 100pt {l}

% error
\begin{tabu} spread 100pt {X}
khronimo commented 4 years ago

tabu / xcolor still broken for me MiKTeX 2.9 with tabu v2.9 (Sun Jan 20 07:11:06 2019) also tried DigNative's fix to no avail. New PC upgrade and fresh install. Been using LaTeX with tabu for years and have a large amount of documents as well as automated data report generation scripts that are reliant on it. Unless there's a fix or simple workaround I will probably be stuck on the older version of latex for some time.

Here's an additional test case:

\usepackage{tabu} %Tabu tables package
%\usepackage{longtable} %longtable tables package
\usepackage[table]{xcolor} %xcolor package
\usepackage{capt-of} %captioning for tables/figures

\definecolor{tableHeader}{RGB}{0, 189, 255} % Table Colors  00bdff
\definecolor{tableLineOne}{RGB}{245, 245, 245} %Table Colors
\definecolor{tableLineTwo}{RGB}{224, 224, 224} % Table Colors



\taburowcolors[2] 2{tableLineOne .. tableLineTwo}
\tabulinesep = ^2mm_1mm
\everyrow{\tabucline[.5mm  white]{}}
\begin{tabu} to \textwidth  {X[1,l] X[6,l] X[3,r] }\tableHeaderStyle
 & Country
 & Population
 & China
 & 1,400,260,000
 & India
 & 1,355,550,000
 & United States
 & 330,343,000
 & Indonesia
 & 266,911,900
 & Pakistan
 & 217,802,000
 & Brazil
 & 210,795,000


Table used to look like this

albert-github commented 4 years ago

@khronimo maybe have a look at how doxygen "fixed" / worked around it ( and the discussion there (

DigNative commented 4 years ago

@khronimo I tried your example with a freshly installed MiKTeX with today's version of all packages and with the workaround suggested by me applied. Your example compiles fine for me, so it appears to me that the described steps have not exactly been carried out as described.

To be very sure, I also tried with TeX Live, too, and can confirm that the workaround is still working for both distributions with most recent package versions.


This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (MiKTeX 2.9.7250 64-bit) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2019.12.3)  3 DEC 2019 21:57
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2019-10-01> patch level 3
Document Class: article 2019/10/25 v1.4k Standard LaTeX document class
File: size10.clo 2019/10/25 v1.4k Standard LaTeX file (size option)
) (C:\apps\MiKTeX-2.9\tex/latex/tabu\tabu.sty
Package: tabu 2011/02/26 v2.8 - flexible LaTeX tabulars (FC)

Package: array 2018/04/30 v2.4h Tabular extension package (FMi)
) (C:\apps\MiKTeX-2.9\tex/latex/varwidth\varwidth.sty
Package: varwidth 2009/03/30 ver 0.92;  Variable-width minipages
Package: xcolor 2016/05/11 v2.12 LaTeX color extensions (UK)
File: color.cfg 2016/01/02 v1.6 sample color configuration
Package xcolor Info: Driver file: pdftex.def on input line 225.

File: pdftex.def 2018/01/08 v1.0l Graphics/color driver for pdftex
) (C:\apps\MiKTeX-2.9\tex/latex/colortbl\colortbl.sty
Package: colortbl 2018/12/12 v1.0d Color table columns (DPC)
Package xcolor Info: Model `cmy' substituted by `cmy0' on input line 1348.
Package xcolor Info: Model `hsb' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1352.
Package xcolor Info: Model `RGB' extended on input line 1364.
Package xcolor Info: Model `HTML' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1366.
Package xcolor Info: Model `Hsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1367.
Package xcolor Info: Model `tHsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1368.
Package xcolor Info: Model `HSB' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1369.
Package xcolor Info: Model `Gray' substituted by `gray' on input line 1370.
Package xcolor Info: Model `wave' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1371.
Package: capt-of 2009/12/29 v0.2 standard captions outside of floats
) (test_khronimo.aux)
\openout1 = `test_khronimo.aux'.

LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 24.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 24.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 24.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 24.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 24.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 24.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 24.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 24.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 24.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 24.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 24.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 24.

[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
LaTeX Font Info:    External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font)              <7> on input line 33.
LaTeX Font Info:    External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font)              <5> on input line 33.

Overfull \hbox (14.99994pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 33--64

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 33--64



{C:/Users/DigNative/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/pdftex/config/}] (test_khronimo.aux) ) 
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 2004 strings out of 492446
 25516 string characters out of 3133832
 99581 words of memory out of 3000000
 6414 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+200000
 4258 words of font info for 16 fonts, out of 3000000 for 9000
 1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
 33i,14n,43p,209b,408s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,50000s
Output written on test_khronimo.pdf (1 page, 43004 bytes).
PDF statistics:
 22 PDF objects out of 1000 (max. 8388607)
 0 named destinations out of 1000 (max. 500000)
 1 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000 (max. 10000000)
khronimo commented 4 years ago

Thanks so much @DigNative I've been playing around and have finally managed to get it to work.

I had to reinstall several times, even after a fresh install it wouldn't work following your instructions. Noticed it seemed to have loaded in packages automatically even though it was set to ask this time. Uninstalled and manually deleted everything from Program Data and my user AppData folders and it worked like a charm after a reinstall following your steps.

DigNative commented 4 years ago

Ah, I see @khronimo. I would expect that the issue on your system was caused by user-level package installations (e.g., due to packages loaded on the fly). Since these packages take precedence over the system-wide installed ones, the files for the workaround placed within the system-wide installation folder may have no effect.

This concept of user- and system-level packages of MiKTeX already caused many not so trivial issues in the past for me and my colleagues, for example, when still old package versions have been used after a system-wide update of the MiKTeX installation (because the older and not updated user-level packages also in this case took precedence and where causing conflicts).

neuronflow commented 2 years ago

I want to color a single row not alternating colors...any advice?

davidcarlisle commented 2 years ago

@neuronflow tabu is currently completely broken, if you have new test files that a future maintainer may use to maintain the software then you could submit an issue here, but the end user advice is not to use this package, you could look at newer table packages such as nicematrix or tabularray

neuronflow commented 2 years ago

@davidcarlisle oh thanks, for the quick reply and pointers! I am looking for a package to fit tables to full page width with easy control and a web development user experience :)

assignUser commented 2 years ago

@davidcarlisle Thanks for the tips tabularray looks like a great tabu replacement for me!

mirabilos commented 2 years ago

@assignUser word of caution: tabularray.sty does not exist in a stable version of Debian, for example, so using it will only become possible for the majority within the next 2+ years.

I question the “tabu is currently completely broken”… it works for me and almost all use cases. In fact, it works better than tabularx and friends; I’d not want to go back. This is apparently 2019/01/11 v2.9 - flexible LaTeX tabulars (FC+tabu-fixed) + intermediate FMi as shipped by Debian.

assignUser commented 2 years ago

@mirabilos thanks for the info, it looks like it is part of texlive though (haven't tested it yet) and the syntax for it looks a bit friendlier then tabu. But I do agree, with some patches (siunitx and threeparttable) I was able to use it for my work so far without any issues.

On the other hand I would like to transition to something stable and maintained before it fails completely :D

FrankMittelbach commented 2 years ago

I question the “tabu is currently completely broken”… it works for me and almost all use cases. In fact, it works better than tabularx and friends; I’d not want to go back. This is apparently 2019/01/11 v2.9 - flexible LaTeX tabulars (FC+tabu-fixed) + intermediate FMi as shipped by Debian.

and how old is the Debian version of LaTeX core?

mirabilos commented 2 years ago

Frank Mittelbach dixit:

and how old is the Debian version of LaTeX core?

texlive-base 2020.20210202-3 texlive-binaries 2020.20200327.54578-7

So, almost a year, but this is when the current stable stabilised.

This is what you’ll want to be compatible with for another ~3 years in documents, until Debian and its derivatives have brought out new releases and most users upgraded.

bye, //mirabilos -- I believe no one can invent an algorithm. One just happens to hit upon it when God enlightens him. Or only God invents algorithms, we merely copy them. If you don't believe in God, just consider God as Nature if you won't deny existence. -- Coywolf Qi Hunt

FrankMittelbach commented 2 years ago

: and how old is the Debian version of LaTeX core? texlive-base 2020.20210202-3 texlive-binaries 2020.20200327.54578-7 So, almost a year, but this is when the current stable stabilised.

probably more than a year then, as far as the LaTeX inside is concerned and yes the further you go back it means that you will see less issues with tabu (even though some are in there for ages). But a stable Debian is not what most users will have and our advice is not based on old releases, but on the fact that the package is not maintained for more than a decade and cuts across a lot of internal code that shouldn't have been touched (or at least not without active maintainance) and so I can only repeat David's statement: it is, with a fairly current LaTeX, totally broken and will get worse further --- it can't be recommended therefore. And even it it appears to be still working within current Debian stable it will not work once Debian updates.