tabuckner / material-dayjs-adapter

A MatDateAdapter for Dayjs
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An issue with changing a locale in a lazy-loaded module #22

Closed mazdok closed 3 years ago

mazdok commented 3 years ago

First thanks a lot for this package. This actually not a bug report but rather asking for advice. I've been struggling with this problem for a couple of days already...

I have a problem when I try to trigger locale change from my singleton service for a lazy-loaded module. All works fine when it's an eagerly loaded component.

In a service I inject DateAdapter and do on a language change:


It works initially but when I want dynamically change a locale then it doesn't work.

Modified example here -

A stackblitz example (not mine but same problem) -

mazdok commented 3 years ago

In case anyone else had same issue - here is a StackOverflow answer which helped me to solve this

And StackBlits demo -